Chairperson: Jason Chow
Speaker: Rev ET Wong
Singspiration: Shirley Ho
Committee on Duty: Lisa Fung
Yet a time is coming and has now come
when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth,
for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.
God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.
(John 4:23-24)
Opening Prayer
The Lord's Prayer
Scripture Reading
Acts 16:25-34
Transformation Possible: From Darkness to Light
Response Hymn
Holy Communion
Threefold Amen
A warm welcome to everyone who joined us this morning. We are delighted to see you all.
The year-end and Christmas celebration of Children's Sunday School will be divided into two parts:
(1) On December 3rd, there will be games and light refreshments, ending around 12 o'clock as usual.
(2) After the Cantonese service on December 10th, the children from Sunday School will share a short Christmas message. There will be a lunch gathering afterwards, and parents of the children are welcome to join and interact with the teachers. The event will be wrapped up and cleaned up before 2 pm.
Children's Sunday School will take a summer break starting on December 10th and resume for the new school year on March 3rd, 2024. Parents, please take note.
Pastor ET will be away preaching at Auckland Christian Mandarin Salvation Church at 11:15am today.
HWC Financial Overview - Consolidated Income & Expense Report October 2023:
October Actual | Year-to-Date Actual | Year-to-Date Budget | FY2024 Budget | |
Total Income | 51,049 | 290,407 | 281,526 | 482,939 |
Total Expenses | 41,696 | 315,771 | 360,895 | 627,781 |
Net Surplus / (Deficit) | 9,353 | (25,364) | (79,369) | (144,842) |
General & Thanksgiving (00) | Building (01) | Mission (02) | Other | |
Total Income | 46,666 | 1,300 | 1,240 | 1,843 |
Mission News
Please remember S & C and their life in the mission field as the weather gradually turns colder. Pray that the Lord would protect their family. Also, remember their eldest daughter in her life and studies in New Zealand.
Pray for H & P's eldest daughter's short-term mission trip this month. May the Lord guide and ensure everything goes smoothly and safely.
Lift up Pastor Janet Tam in prayer, asking the Lord to guard and guide the short-term mission team visiting and serving in Sri Lanka at the end of November, organized by China Evangelistic Mission.
Remember the ministry of H & Y. As government policies begin to impose restrictions on missionaries and visa renewals, pray that the Lord would remember those in positions of authority and allow the missionary work to continue.
Remember Pastor James Che and his wife, in their pioneering work in Ethiopia. Pray for the Lord's protection over their health.
Prayer Items for the Week
Pray that the Lord would help brothers and sisters to draw closer to Him during the Advent season, remembering the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Let us come together in prayer, seeking the grace of God to bring lasting peace to the Israel-Gaza conflict. May the Lord's hand guide and inspire all parties involved towards a peaceful and just resolution, where the rights and well-being of all people in the region are respected, and suffering comes to an end.
Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (26 November 2023)
English | Cantonese | Mandarin | |
Sunday Service | 56 | 118 | 49 |
Prayer Meeting | 37 | (Pre) 6 / (Post) 66 | 14 |
Children Sunday School | 19 | - | 16 |
Next Week's Roster (10 December 2023)
Chairperson: Nixon Fong
Speaker: Mr Herman Yeung
Singspiration: Charlie Mak
Committee on Duty: Vincent Chan
Chairperson: Fung Lam
Speaker: Mr Herman Yeung
Singspiration: Sunny Ha
Committee on Duty: Herman Yeung
When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought,
“Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it.”
He was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place!
This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven.”
(Genesis 28:16-17)
Opening Prayer
The Lord's Prayer
Scripture Reading
Mark 14:3-9
Hidden Figures: A devoted woman
Response Hymn
Threefold Amen
A warm welcome to everyone who joined us this morning. We are delighted to see you all.
Creative Journey Young Voices will be hosting an end-of-year music sharing event this Thursday, November 30th, at 7:30 PM in our church auditorium. We welcome everyone to attend.
The year-end and Christmas celebration of Children's Sunday School will be divided into two parts:
(1) On December 3rd, there will be games and light refreshments, ending around 12 o'clock as usual.
(2) After the Cantonese service on December 10th, the children from Sunday School will share a short Christmas message. There will be a lunch gathering afterwards, and parents of the children are welcome to join and interact with the teachers. The event will be wrapped up and cleaned up before 2 pm.
Children's Sunday School will take a summer break starting on December 10th and resume for the new school year on March 3rd, 2024. Parents, please take note.
Mission News
Please remember S & C and their life in the mission field as the weather gradually turns colder. Pray that the Lord would protect their family. Also, remember their eldest daughter in her life and studies in New Zealand.
Pray for H & P's eldest daughter's short-term mission trip this month. May the Lord guide and ensure everything goes smoothly and safely.
Lift up Pastor Janet Tam in prayer, asking the Lord to guard and guide the short-term mission team visiting and serving in Sri Lanka at the end of November, organized by China Evangelistic Mission.
Remember the ministry of H & Y. As government policies begin to impose restrictions on missionaries and visa renewals, pray that the Lord would remember those in positions of authority and allow the missionary work to continue.
Remember Pastor James Che and his wife, in their pioneering work in Ethiopia. Pray for the Lord's protection over their health.
Prayer Items for the Week
Pray that the Lord would help brothers and sisters to draw closer to Him during the Advent season, remembering the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Let us come together in prayer, seeking the grace of God to bring lasting peace to the Israel-Gaza conflict. May the Lord's hand guide and inspire all parties involved towards a peaceful and just resolution, where the rights and well-being of all people in the region are respected, and suffering comes to an end.
Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (19 November 2023)
English | Cantonese | Mandarin | |
Sunday Service | 56 | 133 | 49 |
Prayer Meeting | 31 | 6 | 15 |
Children Sunday School | 16 | - | 20 |
Next Week's Roster (3 December 2023)
Chairperson: Jason Chow
Speaker: Rev ET Wong
Singspiration: Shirley Ho
Committee on Duty: Lisa Fung