Chairperson: Amy Tong

Speaker: Reverend ET Wong

Singspiration: Herman Y, Charlie M, Kinson L, Sharon C, Johnny P, Justin L, Lillian W

Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth.
Worship the LORD with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
(Psalm 100:1-2)

Opening Prayer


Apostles Creed

Scripture Reading

Exodus 20:1-17


Why Recite the Ten Commandments?

Response Hymn

Holy Communion



Threefold Amen


  1. A warm welcome to everyone who's joining us for the first time this morning. We are delighted to have you here.

  2. Ministry of Health has notified the church on Wednesday, informing us that someone who was at church last Sunday 9:30AM to 10:00AM was later confirmed to be tested positive. An email was sent out to notify those who attended English and Cantonese in-person worship according to government guidelines. Please monitor for symptoms and get tested if symptoms develop. Isolation is not required. The church had routine clean up last Monday. English Congregation Committee had reviewed the situation and decided to continue in-person worship.

  3. Cantonese Congregation will resume in-person worship on 10 April at 10:45am, while online streaming will continue. Brothers and sisters are encouraged to return to church, a reminder that masks wearing and physical distancing is required. Prayer meetings before service and Sunday School will continue to be online.

  4. Mandarin Congregation will resume in-person worship on 10 April at 2:00pm, while online streaming will continue. Brothers and sisters are encouraged to return to church, a reminder that masks wearing and physical distancing is required.

  5. Good Friday Service for the English Congregation will be held on Friday 15 April 10:30am - lunch. Let us remember Christ sacrifice on the cross together. More details to follow.

  6. 17th April Baptism is cancelled due to no application this round. October baptism will still proceed as planned. On 17th April at 10am, an Easter combine service will be held at the Church for all three congregations.

  7. 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World have begun yesterday on 2 April. Please pray for the 2nd largest religious group in the world, may God have mercy on them, send servants to spread the gospels amongst them, and let them be saved! Official website: https://www.pray30days.org/ or to purchase an e-book prayer book: https://ebook30days.com/english/. For enquries, please contact Franklin Fung.

  8. Rev. ET Wong had ended his service in Mandarin Congregation: Rev. ET Wong served the Mandarin Congreation and attended Committee meetings since April last year due to the needs of the ministry. HWC thanks Rev. ET Wong for all the help as he serves in English Congregation as well as supports the Mandarin Congregation. May the Lord bless his dedication and hard work. The Church also thanks the English Congregation for all the help and support. Rev. ET Wong had officially end his service in the Mandarin Congregation from 1 April 2022, may all brothers and sisters continue to pray for the Church.

  9. Church administrator office hour will change to Tuesday to Friday 9am to 5pm and Saturday to Sunday 9am to 1pm, starting from 3/04/2022.

  10. 2021-2022 offering receipts: We are looking to update the contact details for brothers and sisters to provide the donation receipt for 2021-2022 period. For those who have changed their email address and those who donated for the first time after April 2021, please provide your IRD registered name, email to accounts@holywordchurch.org.nz. Thank you for your cooperation

  11. Congregation News for Steve: He has received two-thirds of the chemotherapy treatment. The CT scan shows that there is no sign of cancer. Thank God for his grace and work. Also thank you everyone’s prayer. There will be two more rounds of chemotherapy. Doctor will then consider whether to complete further check or treatment. Please continue to pray for brother Steve.

  12. Congregation News for Rev. Herbert Wong: Praise the Lord. Rev. Herbert had finished his third sessions of Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy and the result of the treatment is well. Pray for Rev. Herbert’s side effects from the treatment, that included dry mouth, inflammation and pain, this caused difficulty with his eating.

  13. Usage of Church Venue under COVID-19 Traffic Light System:

Traffic Light Red Orange Green
Sunday Service and Small Group Gatherings
Physical gathering
and online
Physical gathering
and online
Physical gathering
and online
Capacity Limits
Main hall: 200 people
New hall: 100 people
Upstairs hall: 100 people
Side hall: 50 people
None None
Scan QR Code Required Required Required
Check Vaccine Pass Required Required Required
Sanitise Hands Required Required Required
Physical Distancing Required Not Required Not Required
Masks Required Encouraged Encouraged
Use of Equipment Sanitise after use Sanitise after use Sanitise after use

Mission News

  1. Pray for S&C’s ministry. May the merciful Lord keep their faith and strength to continue the mission.

  2. Pray for H&P for they are moving their ministry to another location, and for their children to find a suitable school. If all proceed well, they will depart in June, may God guide them.

  3. Pray for Rev. Janet Tam as she learns the local Sinhalese language. May God give her wisdom to be able to communicate with the local Sinhalese people.

  4. Pray for the course of treatment that Pastor James Che will be undertaking, and may God give him good health and strength. May God remember and guide the registration process of the Tanzanian church.

Prayer Items for the Week

  1. Pray for the church members who are infected with COVID-19. May the Lord keep them and give peace to them and their family.

  2. Pray for New Zealand’s pandemic situation as the daily confirmed cases remain high. May God remember those affected by the pandemic.

  3. Pray that the war in Ukraine can end soon and that the governments can come to a peaceful resolution.

  4. The Church Theme for the next two years is: Love as He Loved • Love with His Love

  5. Pray for pastoral recruitment for the Senior Pastor, English Service Pastor and Mandarin Service Pastor.

  6. Pray for the work undertaken by the "Deacon Nomination Criteria & Procedures Review Group". May this group support the Deacon Board in reviewing the deacon nomination criteria and the procedures to nominate deacons.

Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (27 March 2022)

English Cantonese (Online) Mandarin (Online)
Service 29 + 20 online 128 + 15 in person 34
Prayer Meeting - 29 (before service)/ 51+13 in person (after service) 9

Next Week's Roster

Chairperson: Robert Mak

Speaker: Pastor ET Wong

Singspiration: Violet Y, Kenny P, Shirley H, Steve G, Daniel H


Chairperson: Nixon Fong

Speaker: Mr. Karl Udy

Singspiration: Violet Y, Kenny P, Shirley H, Steve G, Daniel H

Clap your hands, all you nations;
shout to God with cries of joy;
How awesome is the LORD Most High,
the great King over all the earth!
(Psalm 47:1-2)

Opening Prayer


Apostles Creed

Scripture Reading

Acts 6:1-7


Racism in the Church

Response Hymn

Closing Prayer



Threefold Amen


  1. A warm welcome to everyone who's joining us for the first time this morning. We are delighted to have you here.

  2. Cantonese Congregation will resume their in-person worship on 10 April at 10:45am. Online streaming will continue. We encourage brothers and sisters to return to church, a reminder that masks wearing and physical distancing is required. Prayer meeting and Sunday SChool will continue online.

  3. 17th April Baptism is cancelled due to no application this round. October baptism will still go on as planned.On 17th April, an Easter combine service will be held at the Church.

  4. Rev ET Wong will end his service in Mandarin Congregation: Rev. ET Wong served the Mandarin Congreation and attended Committee meetings since April last year due to the needs of the ministry. HWC thanks Rev. ET Wong for all the help as he serves in English Congregation as well as supports the Mandarin Congregation. May the Lord bless his dedication and hard work. The Church also thanks the English Congregation for all the help and support. Rev. ET Wong will end serving in the Mandarin Congregation from 1 April 2022, may all brothers and sisters pray for the Church.

  5. Internship for Herman Yeung: Herman Yeung started studying at Carey Baptist College and his internship at HWC. He will continue intership at the Church in coming 2 years and has started serving in the English Congregation. The Church will support him financially during his internship. May the Lord give him wisdom and strength to concentrate on study and serving.

  6. 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World will begin between 2 April (Saturday) to 1 May (Sunday). Please pray for the 2nd largest religious group in the world, may God have mercy on them, send servants to spread the gospels amongst them, and let them be saved! Official website: https://www.pray30days.org/ or to purchase an e-book prayer book: https://ebook30days.com/english/. For enquries, please contact Frankline Fung.

  7. A Covid Emergency Support Group has been set up to respond to and support English Service members and their families in case of Covid infection and isolation, in light of increasing Omicron cases in the community. If you and your families need help during isolation or illness, please reach out to your Small Group Leader who will then liaise with the Emergency Support Group for immediate response. Support may be in the form of delivering medicine, takeaway food or groceries (or picking up online orders) for the families in isolation, prayer and spiritual support.

  8. Daylight saving ends next Sunday 3:00a.m. A kind reminder for all brothers and sisters to adjust the clock an hour backward on Saturday night.

  9. Usage of Church Venue under COVID-19 Traffic Light System:

Traffic Light Red Orange Green
Sunday Service and Small Group Gatherings
Physical gathering
and online
Physical gathering
and online
Physical gathering
and online
Capacity Limits
Main hall: 200 people
New hall: 100 people
Upstairs hall: 100 people
Side hall: 50 people
None None
Scan QR Code Required Required Required
Check Vaccine Pass Required Required Required
Sanitise Hands Required Required Required
Physical Distancing 1 Metre Not Required Not Required
Masks Required Encouraged Encouraged
Use of Equipment Sanitise after use Sanitise after use Sanitise after use

Mission News

  1. Thank you and Praise the Lord! “Encourage Islam” seminar was held last week and 33 people amongst 3 congregations participated the online seminars. They all learned a lot! Please pray for 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World which starts on 2ng April.

  2. Pray for S&C’s ministry and that the local policies may change, otherwise they will be expecting more hardship in the coming year. May the merciful Lord keep their faith and strength to continue the mission.

  3. Pray for H&P for they are moving their ministry to another location, and for the members who completed the training course . Pray that they will quickly adapt to the cold and the low oxygen level in the mission field.

  4. Pray for Rev Tam as she aims to learn the local Sinhalese language. May God give her wisdom to be able to communicate with the local Sinhalese people.

  5. Pray for the course of treatment that Pastor James will be undertaking, and Jessica Che’s theology studies. May God remember and guide the registration process of the Tanzanian church.

Prayer Items for the Week

  1. Pray for the church members who are infected with COVID-19. May the Lord keep them and give peace to them and their family.

  2. Pray for New Zealand’s pandemic situation as the daily confirmed cases keeps high in every single day, while Auckland has kept in thousands. May God remember those affected by the pandemic.

  3. Pray that the war in Ukraine will end soon and that the governments can come to a peaceful resolution.

  4. Steve is currently receiving chemotherapy. Please continue to pray for his health as he continues to go through the treatment. May God give Steve and Grace the strength and courage needed to overcome their tribulation.

  5. The Church Theme for the next two years is: Love as He Loved • Love with His Love

  6. Pray for pastoral recruitment for the Senior Pastor, English Service Pastor and Mandarin Service Pastor.

  7. Pray for the work undertaken by the "Deacon Nomination Criteria & Procedures Review Group". May this group support the Deacon Board in reviewing the deacon nomination criteria and the procedures to nominate deacons.

Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (6 March 2022)

English Cantonese (Online) Mandarin (Online)
Service 27 + 23 online 131 + 13 serving 43
Prayer Meeting - 26 6

Next Week's Roster

Chairperson: Amy Tong

Speaker: Pastor ET Wong

Singspiration: Herman Y, Charlie M, Kinson L, Sharon C, Johnny P, Justin L, Lillian W