Chairperson: Amy Tong
Speaker: Rev. ET Wong
Singspiration: Shirley Ho
Committee on Duty: Sally Che
When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought,
“Surely the LORD is in this place, and I was not aware of it.”
He was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place!
This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven.”
(Genesis 28:16-17)
Opening Prayer
The Apostles Creed
Scripture Reading
Matthew 5:29-30
Holy Communion
Threefold Amen
Commissioning Ceremony for the Sri Lanka Mission Team
A warm welcome to everyone who joined us this morning. We are delighted to see you all.
53rd Baptism will be held on next Sunday 9th April at 10:00am as a combined service for all three congregations. The following brothers and sisters will join our church on the day:
Cantonese : Baptism - LAI Sau Kiu; Church membership: Connie TAM Yim Fong
English: Baptism - Boaz WONG
Mandarin: Church membership - LIU YayuDaily devotional readings: Get ready for daily devotional readings during Holy Week! Starting from Palm Sunday 2 April and continuing through to Easter Sunday, we'll be sharing reflections on the events of the week based on John Piper's book, "Love to the Uttermost." The book can be downloaded for free here. Let's come together as a community to grow in our faith this Holy Week. Contact Nixon Fong to register your interest.
Good Friday: Join us for our Good Friday event on Friday 7 April as we remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This year’s event is called “Journey to the Cross: An Art Exhibition Inspired by the Seven Sayings of Jesus”. There will be 2 sessions: 1) 10:00-11:30am (children friendly) 2) 7:30-9:00pm. Bring your family, friends, and neighbors as we reflect on the meaning of this important day together. Please also bring your mobile phone and earphone for audio guides. Contact Herman Yeung for more information.
TNT: Pastor ET is starting a new TNT today on the topic of Christian Values. We will be discussing topics like church, family, money and many others. Please join us for this journey of faith and discovery. The course note is available here.
Sunday Service Attendance: Please be reminded to scan your member’s barcode at the Usher’s Desk prior to Sunday service for the convenience of recording attendance.
Mission Department: (1) Praise God! The Lanka short-term mission team is ready. We encourage brothers and sisters to support the mission team in prayer and financially. We have set up a prayer letter and donation box at the service desk. Please remember this country with many unreached people, so that we can work together to serve them. If you donate online, deposit it into the Overseas Mission Fund account, account name: "Overseas Mission Fund" BNZ account number 02-0108-0014295-67, and reference: Lanka Mission.
(2) This year's 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World is already underway (dates: 22/3-21/4). Grab your PDF copy from your Small Group Leader. The Mission Department has sent daily messages in both Chinese and English to everyone. If you have any questions, contact Tony Yeung.Congregation News Praise the Lord! Sister Wendy gave birth to a daughter, Eugenie Liu, on 30th March, weighing 3.08kg. Mother and baby are safe and sound.
Overseas Mission and Hardship Fund February 2023 Report:
Overseas Mission | Hardship Fund | |
Opening Balance | $13,936.67 | $10,215.30 |
Offering Income | 470.00 | 160.00 |
Interest Income | 10.33 | 11.12 |
Closing Balance (31/01/2023) | 8,417.00 | 10,386.42 |
The offering box at the back of the church is available for believers to give willingly to God. Alternatively, offering is also accepted via Internet Banking.
Account name: ANZ Bank
Account name: Evangelize China Fellowship Holy Word Church of Auckland Inc
Account Number | Reference | |
General | 06-0229-0142488-00 | ENG GEN |
Thanksgiving | 06-0229-0142488-00 | ENG THX |
Building | 06-0229-0142488-01 | ENG BLD |
Local Mission | 06-0229-0142488-02 | ENG MIS |
Particulars: IRD registered Given Names
Code: IRD registered Last Name
The receipt from the church donation will be provided for tax credits. Ensure you write your name and congregation clearly in the references and descriptions details.
Mission News
Please pray for the members of the short-term mission team to Lanka, that God may bless them with physical, emotional, and spiritual strength during their journey. Pray that they may adapt well to the hot climate, work well together, and be effective in reaching out to the people of Lanka.
Also, please remember the following missionaries in your prayers:
a. S & C, who will be taking their daughter Eva back to New Zealand for school in July, and will then return to the mission field. Pray for smooth arrangements and good rest for them.
b. H & P’s Mission Workshop will begin this week. May the LORD bless the tutors and the students.
c. Pastor Tam will lead the Sri Lanka short-term mission team this week. May the LORD give her strength.
d. H & Y met Christians from across the world in their class. They received the same calling to found a fellowship and evangelize on campus. Pray for God's guidance and protection over them, and for their health.
e. Rev. James Che and Jessica returned to Tanzania and diligently pastor the church. Please pray for their health
Prayer Items for the Week
The Deacon Nominee letters have been sent out to the deacon nominees. Pray for the nominees, may they seek God’s will and respond to serve according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Pray for the Church’s ministry plan in the coming year.
Pray for the gospel needs of the North Shore as more Cantonese-speaking people move there. The mission fields are vast, let's seek God's guidance together and help us see what is needed.
Pray for everyone to strive to practice the theme of the year,: Love as He Loved • Love with His Love.
Pray for the cyclone victims in Auckland, as well as the earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria. May God bless and keep them safe, comfort those who are injured and lost their homes, and those who have lost loved ones.
Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (26 March 2023)
English | Cantonese | Mandarin | |
Sunday Service | 54 | 123 | 54 |
Prayer Meeting | 35 | 10/82 | 11 |
Children Sunday School | 16 | -- | 27 |
Next Week's Roster (9 April 2023)
Chairperson: Sean Wang
Speaker: Pr. Ernest Kwok
Singspiration: Cantonese Worship Team
Committee on Duty: Lisa Fung