Chairperson: Fung Lam

Speaker: Rev. ET Wong

Singspiration: Recording

Committee on Duty: Daniel Ho

The LORD is in his holy temple;
    let all the earth be silent before him.
(Habakkuk 2:20)

Opening Prayer


The Apostles Creed

Scripture Reading
Matthew 5:43-48

Winning the Game of Love

Response Hymn

Closing Prayer



Threefold Amen


  1. A warm welcome to everyone who joined us this morning. We are delighted to see you all.

  2. First Aid Course: The church will arrange for brothers and sisters who are willing to be first aiders to attend a one-day first aid course provided by St. John. Participants who completed the course will receive a certificate, and the course fees will be covered by the church. The course date is yet to be determined. Contact Sally Che or Stanley Yu to register. The deadline is next Sunday 26 March.

  3. Building Maintenance Team: The church has recently hired a professional inspection company to assess the condition of the church building. We are seeking brothers and sisters with knowledge of construction and maintenance to form a team that will be responsible for the maintenance of the building. The team will refer to the assessment report to provide quotations, and make recommendations on the maintenance projects to maintain the building's condition. Contact Sally Che for more information. The deadline is next Sunday 26 March.

  4. Children Sunday School Training (Part II) will be held at 2-4pm next Sunday 26 March in the hall upstairs. The training will focus on strategies of managing the classes and how to impart God’s word to the children. Anyone interested in children ministry is welcome. Contact Emily Tsang or Lisa Fung for details.

  5. Short-Term Mission: Praise the Lord! Short-term Missionary is going to Sri Lanka to serve on 5th April, may brothers and sisters pray and support the missionary team financially. A prayer letter and an offering box are available on the Usher desk from today to Sunday 26 March. May brothers and sisters pray for this country and its citizens, so they can receive good news from God.

  6. Community Service: In collaboration with Computer Recycling, we will organise a CR E-waste collection day at our church carpark. We can drop off our electronic waste (including intact or broken computers and spare parts) between 9:00am - 3:00pm on Saturday 25 March. For more information, such as what can be accepted for recycling, refer to the poster. Normally there is a small charge to recycle some items, but church members can drop off the products for free.

  7. 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World event starts between 22nd March to 21st April, the Church will send out messages during the event. Visit www.pray30days.org to support and buy the 2023 Prayer Guide (PDF).

  8. TNT: Rev. ET will host two sessions, today and next Sunday, during TNT time, focusing on deacon nomination and election. It will be a great opportunity for us to get to understand more about the church guidelines and the procedures for electing deacons, so that we know how to pray for the whole process. You will also get a chance to ask any questions that you may have.

  9. Daily devotional readings: Get ready for daily devotional readings during Holy Week! Starting from Palm Sunday 2 April and continuing through to Easter Sunday, we'll be sharing reflections on the events of the week based on John Piper's book, "Love to the Uttermost." The book can be downloaded for free here. Let's come together as a community to grow in our faith this Holy Week. Contact Nixon Fong to register your interest.

  10. Good Friday: Join us for our Good Friday event on Friday 7 April as we remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This year’s event is called “Journey to the Cross: An Art Exhibition Inspired by the Seven Sayings of Jesus”. There will be 2 sessions: 1) 10:00-11:30am (children friendly) 2) 7:30-9:00pm. Bring your family, friends, and neighours as we reflect on the meaning of this important day together. Contact Herman Yeung for more information.

  11. Free Community Seminar: Held at 10am-12pm on Saturday April 1st, this talk titled “The Changing World” presents ways to address the stress brought about by changes in everyday life, as well as means of seeking help for these challenges. The seminar will be delivered in Cantonese by Mr Ray Law, a NZ-registered social worker, followed by refreshments. Brothers and sisters are encouraged to invite friends and families to join. Contact Fanny Yeung for more information

  12. Sunday Service Attendance: Please be reminded to scan your member’s barcode at the Usher’s Desk prior to Sunday service for the convenience of recording attendance.

Holy Word Church Consolidated Financial Report for February 2023

Feb Actual YTD Actual YTD Budget Annual Budget
Income 39,872 389,630 477,980 521,433
Expenses 43,213 388,969 516,014 562,924
Net Surplus/(Deficit) (3,341) 660 (38,033) (41,491)

Feb 2023 Donation Income: General $35,236. Building $1,950. Local Mission $1,510

Bank Balance as of end of Feb 2023: $625,869


The offering box at the back of the church is available for believers to give willingly to God. Alternatively, offering is also accepted via Internet Banking.

Account name: ANZ Bank
Account name: Evangelize China Fellowship Holy Word Church of Auckland Inc

Account Number
General and Thanksgiving 06-0229-0142488-00
Building 06-0229-0142488-01
Local Mission 06-0229-0142488-02

The receipt from the church donation will be provided for tax credits. Ensure you write your name and congregation clearly in the references and descriptions details.

Mission News

  1. The Sri Lanka short term mission team are Deborah Zhong, Fanny Yeung, Fion Li, Monna Chiu, Tony Yeung, and team leader Rev. Mureen Wong. The mission trip will take place from 5th to 15th April (11 days). Please remember them in your prayers. May the LORD lead the mission team with a unified mission heart and collaboration.

  2. S & C: Praise the LORD that the Business Team has recently participated in a retreat and been highly encouraged. May the Lord strengthen the Team to accomplish His will.

  3. H & P: While certain types of visas are open for the Creative Access Nations, they do not include the type that they are applying for. Please pray that God will open a way for them.

  4. Pastor Janet Tam: May the LORD give her wisdom to learn the Sinhala language for use in evangelism.

  5. H&Y: May God give them the perseverance to adapt to the new lifestyle, to learn the new language and enrich Christian fellowship.

  6. Pastor James and Jessica: May God guide their way as they receive a new calling to be sent to other parts of Africa to do mission and build new churches.

Prayer Items for the Week

  1. The Deacon Nominee letters have been sent out to the deacon nominees. Pray for the nominees, may they seek God’s will and respond to serve according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

  2. Pray for the Church’s ministry plan in the coming year.

  3. Pray for the Gospel needs in North Shore. With the recent increasing population of Cantonese-speaking residents in North Shore, may we seek God’s guidance and vision for this vast Gospel field.

  4. The Church Theme for the next two years is: Love as He Loved • Love with His Love. May we focus and act on this theme in our daily lives to love one another.

  5. Pray for all those people affected by the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, affected by Cyclone Gabrielle , pray for God’s protection and comfort for all those who have lost loved ones and their homes.

Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (12 March 2023)

English Cantonese Mandarin
Sunday Service 61 136 49
Prayer Meeting 20 9/72 16
Children Sunday School 25 - 23

Next Week's Roster (26 March 2023)

Chairperson: Nixon Fong

Speaker: Herman Yeung

Singspiration: Rebecca Mak

Committee on Duty: Franklin Fung