Chairperson: Amy Tong

Speaker: Rev. ET Wong

Singspiration: Recording

Committee on Duty: Sally Mok

Exalt the LORD our God
    and worship at his holy mountain,
    for the LORD our God is holy.
(Psalm 99:9)

Opening Prayer


The Apostles Creed

Scripture Reading
Matthew 6:19-21

Measuring True Success

Response Hymn

Holy Communion



Threefold Amen


  1. A warm welcome to everyone who joined us this morning. We are delighted to see you all.

  2. 53rd Baptism will be held on 9th April as a combined service for all three congregations. For those who want to be baptised, please contact any Deacon, Pastor or your Small Group Leader. The deadline is today (5th March). All applicants are required to have their nurturing course completed. Once an application is received, baptism class will be arranged and the deacons will meet with you to confirm your faith. Please also contact us if you would like to have your church membership transferred to HWC or would like to have child dedication.

  3. Children Sunday School begins today! Children between the ages of 2 and 11 are welcome to attend. Today we will be having a graduation ceremony for last year’s class. Parents, please bring their children to the new wing at 10:30am to attend. “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6.

  4. First Aid Course The church will arrange for brothers and sisters who are willing to be first aiders to attend a one-day first aid course provided by St. John. Participants who completed the course will receive a certificate, and the course fees will be covered by the church. The course date is yet to be determined. Please contact administrator Sally Che or Stanley Yu to register.

  5. Building Maintenance Team The church has recently hired a professional inspection company to assess the condition of the church building. We are seeking brothers and sisters with knowledge of construction and maintenance to form a team that will be responsible for the maintenance of the building. The team will refer to the assessment report to provide quotations, and make recommendations on the maintenance projects to maintain the building's condition. If you are interested, please contact the deacons for further information.

  6. Donations for local Cyclone: A donation box is available on the Usher’s Desk today to collect donations for those affected by Cyclone Gabrielle. All the funds collected will be donated to the New Zealand Disaster Fund at the local Red Cross. You are also encouraged to donate online to this cause.

  7. Scared Music Department is organising workshops in April and invites members interested in music ministry to attend. It will be conducted in Cantonese. Fee by voluntary donation. The deadline for sign up is 26th March. The workshop times are as follows:

    1. Sat 8th April 1:00-2:30pm: Vocal techniques and voice protection tips then at 2:30-3:30: Church choral music appreciation

    2. Mon 10th April 3-5pm: Music interpretation and body rhythm movements

      For more information, please contact Kevin Lee or Ruthie Leung.


The offering box at the back of the church is available for believers to give willingly to God. Alternatively, offering is also accepted via Internet Banking.

Account name: ANZ Bank
Account name: Evangelize China Fellowship Holy Word Church of Auckland Inc

Account Number
General and Thanksgiving 06-0229-0142488-00
Building 06-0229-0142488-01
Local Mission 06-0229-0142488-02

The receipt from the church donation will be provided for tax credits. Ensure you write your name and congregation clearly in the references and descriptions details.

Mission News

  1. The Sri Lanka short term mission team are Deborah Zhong, Fanny Yeung, Fion Li, Monna Chiu, Tony Yeung, and team leader Rev. Mureen Wong. The mission trip will take place from 5th to 15th April (11 days). Please remember them in your prayers. May the LORD lead the mission team with a unified mission heart and collaboration.

  2. S & C’s ministry is undergoing adversities. Please pray for them.

  3. Trainees are starting to join H & P’s Mission Hut workshop from overseas. May the LORD continue to encourage the trainees.

  4. Pastor Janet Tam is ministering her church, evangelising in Southern Sri Lanka, and organising the schedule for the short term mission team simultaneously. May the LORD give her strength.

  5. Pastor James and Jessica have returned to the mission field in Tanzania at the end of February. Please pray for their health.

Prayer Items for the Week

  1. Pray for the Church’s ministry plan in the coming year.

  2. Pray for the Gospel needs in North Shore. With the recent increasing population of Cantonese-speaking residents in North Shore, may we seek God’s guidance and vision for this vast Gospel field.

  3. The Church Theme for the next two years is: Love as He Loved • Love with His Love. May we focus and act on this theme in our daily lives to love one another.

  4. Pray for all those people affected by the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, affected by Cyclone Gabrielle , pray for God’s protection and comfort for all those who have lost loved ones and their homes.

Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (26 Feb 2023)

English Cantonese Mandarin
Sunday Service 50 124 46
Prayer Meeting - 7 (Before service), 40 (After service) -
Children Sunday School 14 - 13

Next Week's Roster (12 March 2023)

Chairperson: Fung Lam

Speaker: Rev. Karvin Chin

Singspiration: Rebecca Mak

Committee on Duty: Nixon Fong