Chairperson: Marco Yu

Speaker: Karl Udy

Singspiration: Rebecca Mak

Committee on Duty: Vincent Chan

Clap your hands, all you nations;
    shout to God with cries of joy.

 For the Lord Most High is awesome,
    the great King over all the earth.

 (Psalm 47:1-2)

Opening Prayer


Apostles’ Creed

Scripture Reading
Genesis 11:1-9

Technology for Good or Evil

Response Hymn

Closing Prayer



Threefold Amen


  1. A warm welcome to everyone who joined us this morning. We are delighted to see you all.

  2. Join us for a special event on Good Friday, March 29th, as we explore the connection between "The Passover, The Last Supper, and Us." This gathering will take place in two time slots to accommodate everyone:

    • 10:30 am - Family Group Session

    • 5:30 pm - Evening Session

    What to Expect:

    • Discussions on understanding the significance of the Passover meal.

    • Exploring the connection between the Passover meal and the Last Supper.

    • Reflecting on the timeless meaning these events hold for us today.

    • Experience the flavours of 4 important elements of the Passover meal.

    • Shared lunch during the family group session and dinner in the evening session.

  3. The Finance Department will distribute donation receipts for the 2023-2024 fiscal year in mid to late April. To ensure the accuracy of names and email addresses for the receipts, if you made your first donation this year or have changed your email address, or if you have an email address but have never received donation receipts via email, please send your registered IRD name and email address to accounts@holywordchurch.org.nz. This information will be used exclusively for church donation receipts.

  4. Financial Reports - See below.

  5. In preparation for the 30th anniversary celebration and to create additional space in the foyer, minor renovations are underway. The attendance registration computer has been relocated to the entrance of the cafeteria. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

  6. Congregation News: Layee gave birth to a baby girl named Hailey last Tuesday. Both the mother and daughter (and Kinson too) are well. Please pray for Layee's recovery and Hailey's development.

Overseas Missions and Hardship Fund - February 2024

Note: Hardship Fund: $4,843 was disbursed in mid-February 2024 to support a needy family within the church.

HWC Financial Overview-Consolidated Income & Expense Report February 2024

Month Actual Year-to-Date Actual Year-to-Date Budget Full Year Budget
Total Income 46,107 472,326 442,728 482,939
Total Expenditure 50,784 484,576 577,357 627,781
Net Surplus/(Deficit) (4,677) (12,250) (134,629) (144,842)

*February Income:

General & Thanksgiving (00) - $41,131

Building (01) - $2,023

Mission (02) - $1,400

Others - $1,553

Bank Balance as of February: $ 686,963

Mission News

  1. Pray for strength and blessing in the service of S & C, remembering their eldest daughter's studies and growth in New Zealand.

  2. Pray for H & P, who had nine missionary trainees last year. They have now completed their internship. Pray for their future paths, asking the Lord to establish the students in their learning and service.

  3. Pray for Pastor Janet Tam's plans to strengthen the training of the children's choir and children's orchestra at the First Chinese Baptist Church. May it attract more Chinese parents to bring their children to connect with the church.

  4. Pray for H & Y's application for a two-year residency visa. May the Lord arrange it smoothly.

  5. Remember Pastor James and Jessica Che, who are currently attending a mission conference at the Evangelical Formosan Church in the United States. Pray that the Lord will use them effectively, applying what they have learned and expanding the kingdom of God.

Prayer Items for the Week

  1. Pray that God would ignite with each of us a sense of urgency and purpose when it comes to spreading His Gospel, and unite us as a body of believers, working together in harmony and unity to fulfill the Great Commission.

  2. Remembering those who are currently facing challenges and are away from our congregation. Together we ask God for his comfort, strength, and provision in their lives. Pray for healing for those who are sick, provision for those who are in need, peace for those who are struggling emotionally, and guidance for those who are far from home.

  3. Pray for our Children's Sunday School ministry. Currently, we are facing a pressing need to open an additional class due to the growing number of children attending, but we are experiencing a shortage of teachers to meet this demand.

Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (10 March 2024)

English Cantonese Mandarin
Sunday Service 57 154 47
Prayer Meeting - - 9
Children Sunday School 19 -- 23

Next Week's Roster (24 March 2024)

Chairperson: Nixon Fong

Speaker: Rev ET Wong

Singspiration: Charlie Mak

Committee on Duty: Sally Mok