Chairperson: Amy Tong

Speaker: Rev. ET Wong

Singspiration: Shirley Ho

Committee on Duty: Nixon Fong

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.
   Let Israel say: "His love endures forever."
Let the house of Aaron say: "His love endures forever."
   Let those who fear the LORD say: "His love endures forever."
(Psalm 118:1-4)

Opening Prayer


The Apostles Creed

Scripture Reading
Luke 5:27-32

The Tax Collector

Response Hymn

Holy Communion



Threefold Amen


  1. A warm welcome to everyone who joined us this morning. We are delighted to see you all.

  2. Mission Department’s Sri Lanka short-term mission will take place on 6-15 April 2023. If you are compelled to be part of the mission team, you may find the application form at the front desk and submit it to Franklin Fung. Should you have any inquiries, feel free to contact Franklin. Deadline for application is 15 January 2023.

  3. Rev. Mureen Wong starts her new role as the Cantonese pastor on 16th January 2023.

  4. 2023 Floral offering can be registered at the front desk now. Floral offering is a form of dedication to God, therefore only Christians are allowed to offer flowers for Sunday services.

  5. Cantonese Service CNY Outing: Date: 21st January 2023 (Sat). Time: 10am to 2pm. Place: Farm Cove Reserve. Gathering time and place: 10am at Pakuranga Saling Club via Bramley Drive. Feel free to arrange carpool from church. There will be games and shared lunch. Please bring your own lunch, water, sunblock and hats. Feel free to invite your family and friends to come along. Please register your interest at the usher desk before 15th January 2023. Please contact Desmond or Kitty if you have any questions.

  6. English Service Summer Retreat is confirmed for 13-15th January! All are welcome, so put it in your calendars, more details to follow! Come have a chat with Sunny if you have any questions.

  7. Congregation News: Coco Geddis, the daughter of Cindy Chiu from Cantonese Congregation, gave birth to Luca on 24th Dec. Both mother and son are well. Please pray for the child grows healthily and well.

Mission News

  1. Pray for the preparation of the Sri Lanka Short term mission from 6 April to 15 April 2023. We will announce the date for signing up soon. Mission Department printed some copies of “The Meaning of Short Term Mission and Mission Team’s Requirement”. Feel free to take a copy at the front desk to learn more about short term mission.

  2. Pray for the missionaries: the area served by S&C is facing the coldest winter and heavy snowfall in 20 years, please pary for them; H&P’s are teaching missionary courses online and there is more than 10 students. May God give these students a heart of mission; Pray for Pastor Janet Tam’s ministry in Sri Lanka, and the church planting in Galle in Southern Sri Lanka; Pastor James is serving at a church in Fiji. May God remember his service.

Prayer Items for the Week

  1. A new year, a new beginning. Please review on yourself over the past year, and plan to be a person who please God in your life, work and missionary in the coming year. Please also pray for the Church’s ministry plan in the coming year.

  2. Pray for the Gospel needs in North Shore. With the recent increasing population of Cantonese-speaking residents in North Shore, may we seek God’s guidance and vision for this vast Gospel field.

  3. Pray for Rev Mureen Wong, our new Cantonese pastor. May God use her and empower her to become a blessing for all brothers and sisters.

  4. The Church Theme for the next two years is: Love as He Loved • Love with His Love. May we focus and act on this theme in our daily lives to love one another.

  5. Pray for pastoral recruitment for the Senior Pastor and English Service Pastor.

  6. Psalm reading plan has finished. May God give us the determination to continue the reading and let us learn about Him more deeply so we will worship and praise Him more.

  7. Pray for the brothers and sisters who are leaving Auckland for holidays or visiting their families. May the Lord keep them in peace and stay connected to God.

Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (25 December 2022)

Combined Mandarin
Sunday Service 142 48
Prayer Meeting 5 11
Children Sunday School 15 17

Next Week's Roster (8 January 2023)

Chairperson: Robert Mak

Speaker: Rev. ET Wong

Singspiration: Recording

Committee on Duty: Daniel Ho