Chairperson: Nixon Fong

Speaker: Herman Yeung

Singspiration: Charlie Mak

Committee on Duty: Nixon Fong

Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD , all the earth.
Sing to the LORD , praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day.
Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.
For great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods.
(Psalm 96:1-4)

Opening Prayer


The Lord's Prayer

Scripture Reading

1 Peter 3:8-12


As God's people, live Godly lives

Response Hymn

Closing Prayer



Threefold Amen


  1. A warm welcome to everyone who joined us this morning. We are delighted to see you all.

  2. Christmas Devotional: we will be reading a short devotional book from 1-24 December as we prepare our hearts this Christmas season. There’s one devotional for each day. If you’re interested, please get in touch with Nixon. Be quick, stocks are running out fast!

  3. Community Services: The Church will hold a free medical seminar on Saturday 10th Dec, 10am to 12pm. The topic is “老有所倚”. Join and learn more about dementia, advanced care plan, and EPOA. The speaker is Dr. Franklin Fung. Brothers and sisters are encouraged to invite relatives, friends, neighbours, colleages. For enquiries, please contact Fanny Yeung. The seminar is conducted in Cantonese.

  4. First Aid Registration: Putting health and safety into consideration, the Church is looking for first aiders with qualified first-aid certificates. Please get in touch with Stanley Yu to get registered.

  5. Leadership Retreat: will be held on Saturday 3 December 2022 at 9:30am - 4:30pm for all department leaders, core group members and deacons across our three congregations. All relevant members please reserve time to attend.

  6. Christmas Donations: HWC is planning to organize the collection of food for families in need through a local food bank, to show our love and care for these members of the community during this season. We will be collecting canned food or non-perishable foods at church in the next three weeks starting 13 November. Food items must have an expiry date after 28 February 2023. Please make a contribution to this good cause.

  7. Summer Retreat is confirmed for 13-15th January! All are welcome, so put it in your calendars, more details to follow! Come have a chat with Sunny if you have any questions.

  8. 2023 Church Calendars are available for members to collect from the church entrance. Members of the same family may collect one copy only.

  9. Overseas Missionary and Hardship Fund October 2022 financial report:

Overseas Mission Hardship
September Balance carried forward $11,243.64 $11,526.75
Offering Income $1,640.00 $200.00
Interest Income $6.86 $6.50
Closing Balance as of 31/10/2022 $12,890.50 $11,733.25

Mission News

  1. Pray for the preparation of the Sri Lanka Short term mission from 6 April to 15 April 2023. We will announce the date for signing up soon. Mission Department printed some copies of “The Meaning of Short Term Mission and Mission Team’s Requirement”. Feel free to take a copy at the front desk to learn more about short term mission.

  2. Pray for the missionaries: Pray for S&C who are exhausted by the frequent Covid PCR tests. Pray for their physical and spiritual health ; H&P’s are planning to establish a mission centre, pray for God’s providence; Pray for Pastor Janet Tam to have the courage and skills to drive to Southern Sri Lanka to expand her ministry ; and Pastor James and his wife’s mission work in Tanzania and Fiji.

  3. Pray for the spiritual health of the brothers and sisters of the Mandarin Christian International Church in Tanzania, may they become the light and salt for the Lord, and a blessing to their community.

Prayer Items for the Week

  1. Pray for the Gospel needs in North Shore. With the recent increasing population of Cantonese-speaking residents in North Shore, may we seek God’s guidance and vision for this vast Gospel field.

  2. Pray for our new Cantonese pastor. She will arrive in New Zealand next month. Pray that everything will be well arranged for her to start her pastoral role soon.

  3. The Church Theme for the next two years is: Love as He Loved • Love with His Love. May we focus and act on this theme in our daily lives to love one another.

  4. Pray for pastoral recruitment for the Senior Pastor and English Service Pastor.

  5. Psalm reading plan has finished. May God give us the determination to continue the reading and let us learn about Him more deeply so we will worship and praise Him more.

Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (13 November 2022)

English Cantonese Mandarin
Sunday Service 45 121 49 + 7 Online
Prayer Meeting 24 7 15
Children Sunday School 17 - 25

Next Week's Roster (27 November 2022)

Chairperson: Amy Tong

Speaker: Rev. ET Wong

Singspiration: Kinson Lau

Committee on Duty: Sally Che