Chairperson: KC Li

Speaker: Pr. Ernest Kwok

Translation: Layee Chen

Singspiration: Mandarin Worship Team

Committee on Duty: Desmond Lee

Praise the LORD.
Praise God in his sanctuary;
    praise him in his mighty heavens.
Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.
Praise the LORD.
(Psalm 150:1,6)

Opening Prayer


The Lord's Prayer

Scripture Reading

Romans 6:1-14


Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ

Children Dedication. Rev. ET Wong
Theodore Yu (Parents: Vincent Yu and Shireen Chang)
Jordan Lam (Parents: Fung Lam and Liz Ma)

Testimony Sharing
James Xue, Oliver Kuik and Naomi Kwan

Baptism. Rev. ET Wong
Sprinkling: Guo Yun Chong and Eddy Yeung
Imersion: Naomi Kwan, Oliver Kuik, Oswald Kuik and James Xue

Membership Transfer. Pr. Ernest Kwok
Miriam Yeung, Tommy Tsang, Chen Hua Qin and Lai Wen Teng


Holy Communion. Rev. ET Wong



Threefold Amen

Present Gifts


  1. A warm welcome to everyone who's joined us this morning. We are delighted to see you all.

  2. Mission Pledge: This year the Mission Department aims to donate $29,000 to overseas missionaries (M4) and is accepting mission pledges from brothers and sisters. Mission Pledge can be made either by filling in the pledge cards at the ushers’ desk or through our website www.holywordchurch.org.nz/mission-pledge. Contributions on pledged amounts should be made by March 2023. Please note that M4 donations are not eligible for tax refunds.

  3. Spring BBQ: The care department will be hosting a Spring BBQ on Sunday 23rd October from 5-7pm. We encourage you to invite your friends and family to join. Registration form is on the front desk, sign up closes on Sunday 16th October. For more details, please contact Jenny Ip and Coleman Lam.

    • Location: Holy Word Church

    • Cost: $18 Adults, $8 ages 6-10, free for ages 5 or under

  4. Are you interested in chilling with your brothers and sisters and getting some quality family time? Are you interested to take a break from the hustling and bustling of life, to rest in God's presence? If so, a 3-day retreat would be perfect for you! Dates are tentatively 8th-10th December and further details to follow. Register your interest here:


  5. Community Service: The Church will hold a seminar “Nursing after stroke” on Saturday, 8th October between 10am to 12pm. A speaker is Ms Miriam Yeung and the seminar is conducted in Cantonese. All brothers & sisters are welcome. Please refer to the poster for details.

  6. Psalm Reading: It’s the last month! We will continue to read and meditate on one psalm a day, for 150 days. This complements our study of Psalms this year. The new reading calendar for October can be downloaded here.

Mission News

  1. The Misson Department will be raising funds for missionaries. Please pray for the heart of mission of brothers and sisters

  2. Pray for the preparation for the “Northshore mission” vision sharing and praying event. May God prepare the brothers and sisters with a servant's heart and expand His kingdom.

  3. Pray for the April Sri Lanka short-term mission trip. May God prepare brothers and sisters a servant's heart and expand His kingdom.

  4. Pray for the missionaries: S&C’s teaching program, H&P’s learning a new language, and Pastor Janet Tam’s ministry.

  5. Praise the Lord! The church in Tanzania has received its registration certificate. Please keep the purchase process in our prayer and may God send a suitable pastor to lead the people there.

Prayer Items for the Week

  1. Pastor Ivan’s wife Lucia has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Her chemotherapy has started and continue for about 6 months followed by surgery. While the family’s emotions have settled a bit, they need some more quiet time to embrace this challenge so may not be able to respond to all the caring messages from brothers and sisters. Please keep Lucia and her family in your prayers.

  2. The Church Theme for the next two years is: Love as He Loved • Love with His Love

  3. A new pastor has been hired for the Cantonese service and her work visa application has been submitted. Pray that everything will proceed smoothly so she can join us soon.

  4. Pray for pastoral recruitment for the Senior Pastor and English Service Pastor.

  5. Pray for the Psalm reading plan. May God give us the determination to follow the plan and let us learn about Him more deeply so we will worship and praise Him more.

Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (25 September 2022)

English Cantonese Mandarin
Sunday Service 38 + 15 Online 92 + 45 Online 42 + 6 Online
Prayer Meeting before/after service - 8 / 10 Online -
Children Sunday School 16 - 19

Next Week's Roster (9 October 2022)

Chairperson: Jason Chow

Speaker: Rev. E T Wong

Singspiration: Shirley Ho

Committee on Duty: Lisa Fung