Chairperson: Jason Chow

Speaker: Herman Yeung

Singspiration: Rebecca Ho

Committee on Duty: Sally Che

Praise the Lord. I will extol the Lord with all my heart in the council of the upright and in the assembly. Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them. Glorious and majestic are his deeds, and his righteousness endures forever.
(Psalm 111:1 - 3)

Opening Prayer


Apostles Creed

Bible Moments

Scripture Reading
Matthew 13:3-9, 18-23

The Heart of Transformation

Response Hymn

Holy Communion



Threefold Amen


  1. A warm welcome to everyone who joined us this morning. We are delighted to see you all.

  2. Year-End Thanksgiving Prayer Meeting: We thank everyone who attended the Thanksgiving Prayer Meeting on the evening of 31 December. As we step into 2025, we wish for everyone to continue drawing close to God through prayer, building an intimate relationship with Him, and walking with Him on life's journey.

  3. Chinese Learning Workshop Enrollment

    First Semester: 8/2 - 29/3 (Saturdays), 8 Classes

    Time: 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

    Location: Church Extension

    Registration Deadline: 19/1 (Sunday)

    Requirements Ages 5 and above, able to hold a pen, and can communicate in Cantonese

    Fee: $40

    For more details, please contact KC Li or Mrs. Ha.

    If you wish to register, please fill out the registration form at the usher's table.

  4. This Year’s Sunday Floral Offering: The 2025 Sunday floral offering sign-up sheet is now available at the ushers' table. Brothers and sisters who feel led to offer flowers for Sunday worship are invited to write their names on the sheet.

Mission News

  1. This year’s Overseas Mission (M4) faith pledge received a total of $17,040.00, while the budget was $30,700.00. Faith pledging is about trusting God to provide even when we may not have enough now. It is also a response to God’s abundant grace. Pray for God to help us fulfil our pledges, remembering the needs of missionaries, and bringing them encouragement during this season of celebrating Christ’s birth.

  2. Pray for the Mission Department as they plan next year’s initiatives and budget. May God guide and use these efforts!

  3. S & C: Give thanks that S has received a two-year work visa! Their daughter, Eva, will return home for the holidays, bringing them comfort. Pray for their preparations for Christmas ministries, that the message of salvation would reach the unreached in their community.

  4. H & P will host evangelistic gatherings during Christmas after the end of their tutoring classes. Pray that many will receive salvation during this joyous season. Also, remember parents of students who have come to faith—pray for God to strengthen their faith.

  5. Rev. Janet Tam recently led a 10-day short-term mission trip, bearing some fruit by God’s mercy. She is now leading First Baptist Church members to engage fully in Christmas evangelism, inspiring believers to proclaim the Gospel boldly.

  6. H & Y have heavy ministry and academic responsibilities. Having served for four years, they are now praying for guidance regarding the direction of their ministry. Pray for God’s will to be accomplished in their lives.

  7. Pastor James Che and his wife have resumed their labour for the Lord upon returning to New Zealand. They are currently assisting Formosan Christian Church in establishing a congregation in Browns Bay, North Shore. Pray for God to bless the work of their hands.

  8. Pray for Nicholas Yao as he serves during the summer holidays. May God strengthen and sustain him!

Prayer Items

  1. Equip Conference: Pray for those who attended the Equip Conference, that they would apply what they learned to their ministries and daily lives, growing in their faith and equipping others to follow Christ.

  2. Children’s Ministry: Pray for the children’s ministry, that God would nurture the hearts of the children, inspire the leaders, and guide the ministry to plant seeds of faith that will grow and flourish in the years to come.

  3. Sermon: Pray for hearts to be like the good soil described in Matthew 13—open, receptive, and prepared for growth. Ask God to move us through His love shown in the gospel, enabling deep and lasting transformation in our lives.

Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (29 December 2024)

English Cantonese (East) Cantonese (North Shore) Mandarin
Sunday Service 49 116 33 53
Prayer Meeting 24 6 4 14
Children Sunday School 9 -- 2 19

Next Week's Roster (12 January 2025)

Chairperson: Marco Yu

Speaker: ET Wong

Singspiration: Charlie Mak, Boaz Wong

Committee on Duty: Nixon Fong


Chairperson: Nixon Fong

Speaker: ET Wong

Singspiration: Timothy Yeung

Committee on Duty: Vincent Chan

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth,
    burst into jubilant song with music;
 make music to the Lord with the harp,
    with the harp and the sound of singing,
with trumpets and the blast of the ram’s horn—
    shout for joy before the Lord, the King.
(Psalm 98: 4 - 6)

Opening Prayer


The Lord’s Prayer

Scripture Reading
John 13:34-35

The Legacy We Build Together

Response Hymn

Closing Prayer



Threefold Amen


  1. A warm welcome to everyone who joined us this morning. We are delighted to see you all.

  2. Senior Pastor Recruitment Update: After months of prayer and discussion by the Deacon Board, we have officially commenced the process of recruiting a Senior Pastor and are actively communicating with pastors and staff. We earnestly ask everyone to continue remembering this matter in prayer as we seek God’s guidance together. 

  3. Mark your calendars for 31st December 2024 at 4:00 PM in the church extension for our End-of-Year Thanksgiving Prayer Meeting. The evening will feature worship, reflection, testimonies, and prayer, followed by a shared dinner for fellowship. Let’s come together to thank God for His faithfulness and prepare our hearts for the year ahead. More details will follow.

  4. Equip Conference 2025 (Equip North) is a transformative event designed to train attendees to understand and teach the Word of God. The conference runs from Monday, 30th December 2024 to Friday, 3rd January 2025 at One Tree Hill College, Penrose, Auckland. Anyone is welcome to join the evening meetings at 7:00pm at Equip Conference and no registration is required. For more information, please visit the official website: https://www.equipconference.org.nz.

  5. Mission Department:  The M4 account of the church has received enough funds to support the missionaries, and all amounts have been remitted to their respective mission agencies. May God strengthen the faith and commitment of the givers to achieve this year's M4 faith pledge goal. 

  6. The newly appointed Cantonese pastor of our church, Rev. Manuel Lam, will arrive in Auckland in mid-January and officially take office on January 21. Rev. Lam's inauguration ceremony is scheduled to be held during the Cantonese service on February 16. We earnestly ask everyone to pray for Rev. Lam and his family to adapt to the new environment and new life, and may the Lord grant them peace and grace.

Mission News

  1. This year’s Overseas Mission (M4) faith pledge received a total of $17,040.00, while the budget was $30,700.00. Faith pledging is about trusting God to provide even when we may not have enough now. It is also a response to God’s abundant grace. Pray for God to help us fulfil our pledges, remembering the needs of missionaries, and bringing them encouragement during this season of celebrating Christ’s birth.

  2. Pray for the Mission Department as they plan next year’s initiatives and budget. May God guide and use these efforts!

  3. S & C: Give thanks that S has received a two-year work visa! Their daughter, Eva, will return home for the holidays, bringing them comfort. Pray for their preparations for Christmas ministries, that the message of salvation would reach the unreached in their community.

  4. H & P will host evangelistic gatherings during Christmas after the end of their tutoring classes. Pray that many will receive salvation during this joyous season. Also, remember parents of students who have come to faith—pray for God to strengthen their faith.

  5. Rev. Janet Tam recently led a 10-day short-term mission trip, bearing some fruit by God’s mercy. She is now leading First Baptist Church members to engage fully in Christmas evangelism, inspiring believers to proclaim the Gospel boldly.

  6. H & Y have heavy ministry and academic responsibilities. Having served for four years, they are now praying for guidance regarding the direction of their ministry. Pray for God’s will to be accomplished in their lives.

  7. Pastor James Che and his wife have resumed their labour for the Lord upon returning to New Zealand. They are currently assisting Formosan Christian Church in establishing a congregation in Browns Bay, North Shore. Pray for God to bless the work of their hands.

  8. Pray for Nicholas Yao as he serves during the summer holidays. May God strengthen and sustain him!

Prayer Items

  1. Senior Pastor Recruitment and New Cantonese Pastor Appointment: Pray for wisdom and guidance in recruiting a senior pastor and for a smooth transition for Rev. Lam.

  2. Thanksgiving for Christmas Outreach: Thank God for the success of the Christmas outreach event and for the hearts touched.

  3. Peace Amid Global Conflicts: Pray for peace and resolution in global conflicts, and for the protection and comfort of those affected.

Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (22 December 2024)

English Cantonese (East) Cantonese (North Shore) Mandarin
Sunday Service 42 156 41 53
Prayer Meeting 18 6 4 8
Children Sunday School 21 -- 7 25

Next Week's Roster (5 January 2025)

Chairperson: Jason Chow

Speaker: Herman Yeung

Singspiration: Rebecca Ho

Committee on Duty: Sally Che