Chairperson: Jason Chow

Speaker: Herman Yeung

Singspiration: Kenny Pau & Boaz Wong

Committee on Duty: Vincent Chan

Come, let us bow down in worship,
let us kneel before the Lord our Maker;
for he is our God
and we are the people of his pasture,
the flock under his care.
Today, if only you would hear his voice
(Psalm 95:6-7)

Opening Prayer


The Lord’s Prayer

Scripture Reading
2 Tim 2:1-13

Strengthened by Grace

Response Hymn



Threefold Amen


  1. A warm welcome to everyone who joined us this morning. We are delighted to see you all.

  2. Mission Sunday Response Form: In addition to regularly praying for missionaries and participating in short-term mission trips, we encourage members to support overseas missions (M4) through offerings. The budget for this year is $30,700.00. The donations received so far amount to $5500. You may give as you are moved and by faith. Please submit your pledge online at https://forms.gle/xYrykzQW1quAJb386. May the Gospel be spread widely, and may God's name be glorified!

  3. Overseas Mission and Hardship Fund Financial Report August 2024

Overseas Mission Hardship
Balance 8,051.78 1,507.36
Donation Received 1,105.00 0.00
Interest Received 10.91 2.81
Balance on 31 August 2024 5,232.69 1,510.17


Overseas Mission Fund: A total of $3,935 in donations was disbursed in August 2024. 

(1) $3,500 to support the needs of Smile Lanka. 

(2) $435 to support the Hong Kong Bible Conference.

Mission News

  1. S & C: After the busy summer school activities, pray that the Lord will help them regain strength in rest.

  2. H & P: Their mission home has started classes. Pray for the students' adaptation and learning, and for the newly established local youth fellowship. Remember the many non-believing young people, and pray for the Lord's salvation!

  3. Janet Tam has returned to Hong Kong to report on her work and will be sharing the needs of Sri Lanka with other churches. Pray that the Lord will use her!

  4. H & Y: Give thanks! Their daughter and Y's mother have also flown to the mission field to visit them, bringing much joy. Pray for the new believers and friends H & Y have encountered, asking the Lord to strengthen and comfort them. In September, they will need to host a short-term mission team from the U.S. Pray for the Lord's strength and peace!

  5. James Che and his wife have safely returned to Ethiopia to strengthen the believers in the church. Please pray for the smooth registration of the local church and remember the financial needs of the church there!

  6. Nicholas Yao: The student retreat was successfully held. Pray that the Lord will establish the participants' faith and help them rely more on God. Also, pray for the spiritual atmosphere on campus, asking God to prevent heresies from entering the school.

Prayer Items

  1. Pray for strength in difficult times: Ask God to help us rely on His grace and stay strong when following Jesus feels hard.

  2. Pray for faithfulness in teaching others: Pray that we will share the message of Jesus with others and help them grow in faith.

  3. Pray for focus, obedience, and hard work: Ask God to help us stay focused on pleasing Him, obey His ways, and work hard in serving Him.

Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (8/09/2024)

English Cantonese Mandarin
Sunday Service 56 174 53
Prayer Meeting 27 11/102 9
Children Sunday School 22 - 19

Next Week's Roster (22 September 2024)

Chairperson: Marco Yu

Speaker: John Tucker

Singspiration: Herman Yeung

Committee on Duty: Sally Mok


Chairperson: Nixon Fong

Speaker: E Ting Wong

Singspiration: Rebecca Ho

Committee on Duty: Emily Tsang

One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,
to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.
(Psalm 27:4)

Opening Prayer


The Lord’s Prayer

Scripture Reading
2 Corinthians 6:1-13

The Paradox of Possession

Response Hymn



Threefold Amen


  1. A warm welcome to everyone who joined us this morning. We are delighted to see you all.

  2. Ken Fong has officially resigned as Chairman of the Cantonese Congregation Committee and Cantonese Education Department as of last month. After discussions and invitations from the Deacon Board and the Congregation Committee, Jenny Ip has agreed to take on the role of Head of the Cantonese Education Department and concurrently serve as the Chairman of the Congregation Committee until the end of September next year. The Deacon Board and Congregation Committee express their gratitude to Ken for his diligent work and service over the years, and also thank Jenny for her willingness to take on these responsibilities.

  3. Mission Sunday Response Form: In addition to regularly praying for missionaries and participating in short-term mission trips, we encourage members to support overseas missions (M4) through offerings. The budget for this year is $30,700.00. You may give as you are moved and by faith. Please submit your pledge online at https://forms.gle/xYrykzQW1quAJb386. May the Gospel be spread widely, and may God's name be glorified!

  4. MSG: Sunday, 29 September 2024, 2:00 - 3:30pm

    Location: TBC (either at church or Robert's house)

    This activity will be planning and building some stuff for church! please register on the Google form so we can plan numbers.


Mission News

  1. S & C: After the busy summer school activities, pray that the Lord will help them regain strength in rest.

  2. H & P: Their mission home has started classes. Pray for the students' adaptation and learning, and for the newly established local youth fellowship. Remember the many non-believing young people, and pray for the Lord's salvation!

  3. Janet Tam has returned to Hong Kong to report on her work and will be sharing the needs of Sri Lanka with other churches. Pray that the Lord will use her!

  4. H & Y: Give thanks! Their daughter and Y's mother have also flown to the mission field to visit them, bringing much joy. Pray for the new believers and friends H & Y have encountered, asking the Lord to strengthen and comfort them. In September, they will need to host a short-term mission team from the U.S. Pray for the Lord's strength and peace!

  5. James Che and his wife have safely returned to Ethiopia to strengthen the believers in the church. Please pray for the smooth registration of the local church and remember the financial needs of the church there!

  6. Nicholas Yao: The student retreat was successfully held. Pray that the Lord will establish the participants' faith and help them rely more on God. Also, pray for the spiritual atmosphere on campus, asking God to prevent heresies from entering the school.

Prayer Items

  1. Pray that we learn to surrender our lives to Christ, trusting that true value comes from belonging to Him. Ask for faith during tough times, and that others see God's grace through our lives.

  2. Pray for our missionaries (see above).

Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (1/09/2024)

English Cantonese Mandarin
Sunday Service 58 172 52
Prayer Meeting 29 7 13
Children Sunday School 27 - 18

Next Week's Roster (15 September 2024)

Chairperson: Jason Chow

Speaker: Herman Yeung

Singspiration: Kenny Pau & Boaz

Committee on Duty: Vincent Chan