Chairperson: Jason Chow

Speaker: Rev. William HC

Singspiration: Shirley Ho

Committee on Duty: Sunny Ha

Yet a time is coming and has now come
when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth,
for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.
God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.
(John 4:23-24)

Opening Prayer


Ten Commandments

Scripture Reading
Ruth 4

A Redeeming Love

Response Hymn

Closing Prayer



Threefold Amen


  1. A warm welcome to everyone who joined us this morning. We are delighted to see you all.

  2. Mission Sunday will be held on 25th August with a combined service of three congregations. The theme is "Challenges and Opportunities in Mission Today," and the speaker will be Johan Linder, the National Director of OMF New Zealand. Please keep this event in your prayers and reserve time to attend. 

  3. 56th Baptism will be held on 06/10 as a combined service for all three congregations. For those who want to be baptised, please contact any Deacon, Pastor or your Small Group Leader. The deadline is 01/09. All baptism applicants are required to have their nurturing course completed. Once an application is received, baptism class will be arranged and the deacons will meet with you to confirm your faith. Please also contact us if you would like to have your church membership transferred to HWC or would like to have child dedication.

  4. HWC Financial Overview-Consolidated Income & Expense Report June 2024 

June Actual Year-to-Date Actual Year-to-Date Budget Full Year Budget
Total Income 37,606 118,810 - -
Total Expense 41,480 129,051 - -
Net Surplus/(Deficit) (3,875) (10,241) - -

*June Income:

General & Thanksgiving (00) $ 34,594

Building (01) $ 1,240

Mission (02+03) $ 1,040

Others $ 732

Bank Balance as of June: $ 681,342

PowerPoints from TNT - "How to Read the Bible for All It's Worth" (Part 2).


Mission News

  1. S & C are preparing for summer activities. Please pray for their pastoral care of local church leaders and coworkers.

  2. H & P organised a mission day, attracting a group of Burmese friends to help with decorating, cooking, and cleaning. The English classes in the community also formed a fellowship group of young people. Pray that the Lord will grant strength and wisdom to serve these unreached people.

  3. Remember Pastor Janet Tam's frequent journeys during the rainy season to serve in Smiling Lanka and Galle, which are over a hundred kilometres away. Pray for the Lord's peace. Pastor Tam will be on furlough in Hong Kong from next month to October; pray for God's guidance!

  4. Praise the Lord! H & Y have excelled in their academic performance this semester and are now entering a three-month summer vacation. Pray for their leadership of short-term mission teams and training courses, as well as for missions to surrounding cities. Pray for the Lord's protection in their service.

  5. James Che and Jessica have returned safely to serve in the Ethiopian church. Jessica has completed her master's degree in theology. Pray for their health and strength to work for the Lord!

Prayer Items for the Week

Reflecting on the sermon: 

  1. Thank God for the costly redemption that brings blessings to His people and the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and King.

  2. Pray for a deeper understanding of how every blessing point to the fulfillment of God's promises and the coming of Christ, as foreshadowed in the story of Ruth and Boaz.

  3. Ask for the strength to live lives that reflect God’s redeeming love, sharing the Gospel with others and showing faithfulness and commitment to His covenant.

Pray for Mission Sunday on 25th August

  1. Pray for wisdom and clarity for Johan Linder as he prepares and delivers his message, and for God’s blessing on the organizers and volunteers for a smooth and fruitful event.

  2. Ask for a spirit of unity among the three congregations and for attendees to engage deeply with the message, fostering a sense of shared purpose and community.

  3. Pray that the theme will inspire a renewed commitment to mission work and seek God’s direction for effectively responding to the challenges and opportunities in missions today.

Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (21 July 2024)

English Cantonese Mandarin
Sunday Service Not Recorded 153 47
Prayer Meeting - 8/104 12
Children Sunday School 20 - 13

Next Week's Roster (4 August 2024)

Chairperson: Marco Yu

Speaker: Rev. E T Wong

Singspiration: Timothy Yeung

Committee on Duty: Emily Tsang


Chairperson: Nixon Fong

Speaker: Rev. Albert Tang

Singspiration: Kenny Pau

Committee on Duty: Sally Che

When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought,
“Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it.”
He was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place!
This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven.”
(Genesis 28:16-17)

Opening Prayer


Ten Commandments

Scripture Reading
Ruth 3: 1-18

Unusual Request

Response Hymn

Closing Prayer



Threefold Amen


  1. A warm welcome to everyone who joined us this morning. We are delighted to see you all.

  2. The church's 23rd Annual General Meeting will be held this Saturday (27/7) at 1:30 PM. The notification has been sent out. Members can inquire with our administrator about their voting eligibility (attendance rate at worship services in the past 52 weeks must exceed 50%). Please pray for the smooth conduct of the meeting. 

  3. 56th Baptism will be held on 06/10 as a combined service for all three congregations. For those who want to be baptised, please contact any Deacon, Pastor or your Small Group Leader. The deadline is 01/09. All baptism applicants are required to have their nurturing course completed. Once an application is received, baptism class will be arranged and the deacons will meet with you to confirm your faith. Please also contact us if you would like to have your church membership transferred to HWC or would like to have child dedication.

PowerPoints from TNT - "How to Read the Bible for All It's Worth" (Part 2).


Mission News

  1. S & C are preparing for summer activities. Please pray for their pastoral care of local church leaders and coworkers.

  2. H & P organised a mission day, attracting a group of Burmese friends to help with decorating, cooking, and cleaning. The English classes in the community also formed a fellowship group of young people. Pray that the Lord will grant strength and wisdom to serve these unreached people.

  3. Remember Pastor Janet Tam's frequent journeys during the rainy season to serve in Smiling Lanka and Galle, which are over a hundred kilometres away. Pray for the Lord's peace. Pastor Tam will be on furlough in Hong Kong from next month to October; pray for God's guidance!

  4. Praise the Lord! H & Y have excelled in their academic performance this semester and are now entering a three-month summer vacation. Pray for their leadership of short-term mission teams and training courses, as well as for missions to surrounding cities. Pray for the Lord's protection in their service.

  5. James Che and Jessica have returned safely to serve in the Ethiopian church. Jessica has completed her master's degree in theology. Pray for their health and strength to work for the Lord!

Prayer Items for the Week

  1. Reflecting on the sermon: Pray for the willingness to trust and follow God's guidance, even when His requests seem unusual or challenging. Ask for the courage and faith to step out in obedience like Ruth did, knowing that God's plans are always for our good and His glory.

  2. Pray for AGM: Give thanks to God for His faithfulness and blessings over the past year. Pray for His continued guidance and wisdom as the church plans and makes decisions for the upcoming year. Ask that every decision made during the AGM be in alignment with His will, fostering unity, growth, and spiritual health within the congregation.

  3. Pray for the upcoming baptism: Pray for those considering baptism, membership transfer, and children dedication. Ask God to guide their hearts and minds as they seek to understand His will for their lives. Pray that they may experience His love and presence, leading them to make a firm commitment to their faith. Ask for wisdom and support from the church community to help them in their spiritual journey and decision-making process.

Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (14 July 2024)

English Cantonese Mandarin
Sunday Service 57 151 51
Prayer Meeting - 9/104 14
Children Sunday School 19 - 18

Next Week's Roster (28 July 2024)

Chairperson: Jason Chow

Speaker: William HC

Singspiration: Shirley Ho

Committee on Duty: Sunny Ha