Chairperson: Vincent Chan

Speaker: Pastor Barry Lee

Singspiration: Timothy Yeung

Committee on Duty: Vincent Chan

The LORD is in his holy temple;
let all the earth be silent before him.
(Habakkuk 2:20)

Opening Prayer


Ten Commandments

Bible Moments

Scripture Reading
Ruth 1:1-22

An Immigrant Story

Response Hymn

Closing Prayer



Threefold Amen


  1. A warm welcome to everyone who joined us this morning. We are delighted to see you all.

  2. Ultimate Small Group Quiz 2024:

    Small groups will be combining on Friday 12th July to do our annual ultimate quiz showdown where your knowledge of brothers and sisters in the church will be put to the test.

    Please fill out the form in the link below and be as honest as you can.


  3. Establishment of North Shore Cantonese Worship Service: In response to the gospel and pastoral needs of the North Shore, our church pastors, deacon board, and Cantonese congregation committee have unanimously agreed to the following:

    Holy Communion will begin from the first week of August, held monthly.

    Under the Cantonese congregation committee, we will establish the "ECF Holy Word Church of Auckland North Shore Cantonese Worship Service."

    Details of the worship service inauguration celebration are as follows:

    Date and Time: October 20, 2024, at 3:30 PM

    Location: Albany Community Hub

    Note: Children's Sunday School will be available.

    We ask that the entire Holy Word family pray and support this effort, accompanying it with warmth and carrying forward our mission.

  4. Deacon Board Announcement: A brother in our church is facing sudden financial difficulties due to a work injury. As the Hardship Fund is currently low, the church will place a donation box at the usher's table today. We encourage brothers and sisters to support this family in their time of need. We also urge everyone to contribute to the Hardship Fund to help support those in need within our community. Please keep this family in your prayers and may we all experience and witness the love and grace of the Lord together.

  5. The church's 23rd Annual General Meeting will be held on July 27. The notification letter will be sent to all members this Saturday via email, postal mail, or distributed after the church service next Sunday.

  6. Reverend ET will be on leave from 9/7 to 18/7.

  7. Finance Department: Financial Report - May 2024

HWC Financial Overview-Consolidated Income & Expense Report May 2024

Month Actual Year-to-Date Actual Year-to-Date Budget Full Year Budget
Total Income 40,493 81,205 - -
Total Expense 55,590 87,571 - -
Net Surplus/(Deficit) (15,098) (6,366) - -

*May Income:

General & Thanksgiving (00) - $36,408

Building (01) - $1,390

Mission (02) - $950

Others - $1,745

Bank Balance as of May: $ 688,581

PowerPoints from TNT - "How to Read the Bible for All It's Worth" (Part 2).


Mission News

  1. Remember S & C's children. Their older daughter, Eva, has been studying in New Zealand and currently living with her grandparents. Please pray for her adaptation being away from her parents and for her studies. Also, remember their younger son, Elias, for his education in the mission field.

  2. H & P are currently teaching Chinese and English classes in their community and online mission courses. They have also started a new ministry to evangelise the local Burmese people. Pray that the Lord will help this unreached group turn to Him!

  3. Reverend Janet Tam continues to serve in her church and Smile Lanka. She also occasionally visits the city of Galle. Pray for the Lord to strengthen her. Please also remember the local residents: Colombo experienced a century's worst rainstorm last Sunday, flooding many homes. About 20 church families were affected. Pray that the Lord will help the government implement emergency measures to aid the citizens in need.

  4. Pray for H & Y's busy ministry and studies. Remember their health and ask the Lord to grant them strong bodies to serve Him!

  5. Remember Pastor James Che and his wife, who are tirelessly serving the Lord. They are currently preparing to return to Africa for missionary work. Pray that the Lord will protect their journey.

Prayer Items for the Week

  1. Pray for those who feel distant or lost, that they may experience God’s comforting embrace and find renewed hope. Pray that we all be reminded of His enduring love and faithfulness, even in our most challenging times. May we draw strength from Ruth’s story and trust in God's unwavering presence in our lives.

  2. Pray for the deacons who are tirelessly preparing for the AGM. May their efforts be blessed, and may they find strength and wisdom in their work. Let us also pray that the meeting will be a successful and meaningful occasion where God's name is glorified. May His presence guide all discussions and decisions, and may our church be unified in purpose and spirit.

  3. Pray for the church's financial health and stewardship. May God grant wisdom to those overseeing our finances, ensuring they make sound and faithful decisions. Pray for generous hearts within our congregation, that we may continue to support our church’s mission and ministries. Let us trust in God’s provision, knowing that He will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory. May our financial resources be used wisely to further God’s kingdom and bring glory to His name.

Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (14/07/2024)

English Cantonese Mandarin
Sunday Service 53 157 62
Prayer Meeting 19 9 16
Children Sunday School 28 - 19

Next Week's Roster (14 July 2024)

Chairperson: Amy Tong

Speaker: William HC

Singspiration: Rebecca Ho

Committee on Duty: Sally Che


Chairperson: Nixon Fong

Speaker: Eunice Tong

Singspiration: Shirley Ho

Committee on Duty: Emily Tsang

Ascribe to the LORD all you families of nations,
ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.
Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name;
bring an offering and come into his courts.
(Psalm 96:7-8)

Opening Prayer


Ten Commandments

Scripture Reading
Daniel 3:1-18

Even If the Worst Happens...?

Response Hymn

Closing Prayer



Threefold Amen


  1. A warm welcome to everyone who joined us this morning. We are delighted to see you all.

  2. Ultimate Small Group Quiz 2024:

    Small groups will be combining on Friday 12th July to do our annual ultimate quiz showdown where your knowledge of brothers and sisters in the church will be put to the test.

    Please fill out the form in the link below and be as honest as you can.


  3. Equip Conference 2025 (Equip North) is a transformative event designed to train attendees to understand and teach the Word of God. The conference runs from Monday, 30th December 2024, 9:00 AM to Friday, 3rd January 2025, 2:00 PM at One Tree Hill College, Penrose, Auckland. There is an early bird registration discounts by signing up before June. The conference also provides excellent kids and youth programs, so you can bring the whole family to learn more about God and His Word. For more information and registration, please visit the official website: https://www.equipconference.org.nz.

  4. Establishment of North Shore Cantonese Worship Service: In response to the gospel and pastoral needs of the North Shore, our church pastors, deacon board, and Cantonese congregation committee have unanimously agreed to the following:

    Holy Communion will begin from the first week of August, held monthly.

    Under the Cantonese congregation committee, we will establish the "ECF Holy Word Church of Auckland North Shore Cantonese Worship Service."

    Details of the worship service inauguration celebration are as follows:

    Date and Time: October 20, 2024, at 3:30 PM

    Location: Albany Community Hub

    Note: Children's Sunday School will be available.

    To help the congregation understand the pastoral needs of the North Shore, the pastoral team will release a series of "North Shore Ministry Development FAQ" and short video shares in the program over the next few weeks. We ask that the entire Holy Word family pray and support this effort, accompanying it with warmth and carrying forward our mission.

  5. MSG next meeting date: Saturday 14 July 2pm

    Part 2 of the Q&A which we had in May. Same location (Robert's house) If you missed the previous one, you are still very welcome to come along. No need to sign up this time.

  6. Deacon Board Announcement: A brother in our church is facing sudden financial difficulties due to a work injury. As the Hardship Fund is currently low, the church will place a donation box at the usher's table on Sundays, June 30 and July 7. We encourage brothers and sisters to support this family in their time of need. We also urge everyone to contribute to the Hardship Fund to help support those in need within our community. Please keep this family in your prayers and may we all experience and witness the love and grace of the Lord together.

  7. Pastor ET is away preaching at Chinese Alliance Christian Church this morning.

  8. The 30th anniversary magazine is now ready! Please pick up your copy at the usher's desk after the service. Since we have a limited number of copies, we kindly ask that each family take only one. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

Mission News

  1. Remember S & C's children. Their older daughter, Eva, has been studying in New Zealand and currently living with her grandparents. Please pray for her adaptation being away from her parents and for her studies. Also, remember their younger son, Elias, for his education in the mission field.

  2. H & P are currently teaching Chinese and English classes in their community and online mission courses. They have also started a new ministry to evangelise the local Burmese people. Pray that the Lord will help this unreached group turn to Him!

  3. Reverend Janet Tam continues to serve in her church and Smile Lanka. She also occasionally visits the city of Galle. Pray for the Lord to strengthen her. Please also remember the local residents: Colombo experienced a century's worst rainstorm last Sunday, flooding many homes. About 20 church families were affected. Pray that the Lord will help the government implement emergency measures to aid the citizens in need.

  4. Pray for H & Y's busy ministry and studies. Remember their health and ask the Lord to grant them strong bodies to serve Him!

  5. Remember Pastor James Che and his wife, who are tirelessly serving the Lord. They are currently preparing to return to Africa for missionary work. Pray that the Lord will protect their journey.

Prayer Items for the Week

  1. Prayer points relating to the sermon:

    • Pray for the strength and courage to face trials, remaining faithful to our identity and calling in Christ, trusting that God is with us through every challenge.

    • Pray that the testimonies of our brothers and sisters inspire and encourage us to persevere, learning from their stories of faith and resilience.

    • Pray for an awareness of God’s presence in our suffering, embracing the growth and refinement that come from enduring hardships with a faithful heart.

  2. Please pray for the establishment of North Shore Cantonese Worship Service:

    • Successful establishment and smooth operations of the new worship service.

    • The Holy Spirit to guide and bless the pastoral team, deacon board, and congregation committee.

    • A strong sense of community and mission within the North Shore Cantonese Worship Service.

    • The resources and volunteers needed for the Children’s Sunday School.

    • The hearts of those in the North Shore to be open and receptive to the gospel.

Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (23/06/2024)

English Cantonese Mandarin
Sunday Service 55 157 50
Prayer Meeting - 9/120 14
Children Sunday School 23 - 18

Next Week's Roster (7 July 2024)

Chairperson: Vincent Chan

Speaker: Barry Lee

Singspiration: Timothy Yeung

Committee on Duty: Vincent Chan