Chairperson: Marco Yu

Speaker: Herman Yeung

Singspiration: Rebecca Mak

Committee on Duty: Emily Tsang

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
his love endures forever.
Let Israel say:
“His love endures forever.”
Let the house of Aaron say:
“His love endures forever.”
Let those who fear the LORD say:
“His love endures forever.”
(Psalm 118:1-4)

Opening Prayer


Apostles’ Creed

Scripture Reading
Luke 14:12-14

Meals with Jesus: A Meal with the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind

Response Hymn



Threefold Amen


  1. A warm welcome to everyone who joined us this morning. We are delighted to see you all.

  2. Nicholas Yao will be serving at Student Life. He is currently raising funds. If you feel moved to support his ministry, you can donate online via his Student Life page here.

  3. The Finance Department has emailed everyone the 2023-24 donation receipts for tax refunds. If required, physical receipts will be provided. Please approach Tony Yeung after worship to request it. For any inquiries, please email accounts@holywordchurch.org.nz.

  4. 30th Anniversary Banquet: Thank you for the enthusiastic response to registration. The sign-up number has reached the initially planned seating capacity. Due to the venue and budget constraints, we cannot increase the number of seats. The committee apologises to those who registered after the deadline and was put on the waiting list. Thank you for your understanding.

Prayer Items for the Week

  1. The church is in the process of preparing our budget and reports for the upcoming financial year. Pray that we will be reminded that every resource we steward belongs ultimately to God, and we seek God's wisdom and guidance in managing them wisely for the advancement of God's kingdom.

  2. Pray that our hearts will be overflow with gratitude as we approach the 30th anniversary of our church. Pray that we will be humbled by God's faithfulness throughout the years, as God has guided and sustained us through every season.

  3. May God give Nic the wisdom, strength, and courage to effectively minister to students, guiding them in their journey of faith and empowering them to live lives that honour God. Pray for his sharing of his vision to the Cantonese and Mandarin Congregation in the coming weeks.

  4. Pray that God will equip Sunny with the necessary resources, both spiritually and practically, to carry out his mission trip with excellence and effectiveness. May God surround them with peace and assurance, knowing that God is with him every step of the way.

  5. Remember Kinson, Layee, and baby Hailey, and Vincent, Lina, and baby Bethany in our prayers. Pray that God will surround them with protection and grace as they embark on this journey of parenthood. May God grant them wisdom, patience, and strength as they nurture and raise their child in God's ways. 

Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (14/04/2024)

English Cantonese Mandarin
Sunday Service 57 166 46
Prayer Meeting 34 9 13
Children Sunday School 26 - 20

Next Week's Roster (28 April 2024)

Chairperson: Jason Chow

Speaker: Eunice Tong

Singspiration: Charlie Mak

Committee on Duty: Vincent Chan


Chairperson: Amy Tong

Speaker: Jonathan Chow

Singspiration: Timothy Yeung

Committee on Duty: Sunny Ha

Praise the Lord, all you nations;
    extol him, all you peoples.
For great is his love toward us,
    and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.

Praise the Lord.
(Psalm 117:1-2)

Opening Prayer


Apostles’ Creed

Scripture Reading
Luke 18:9-14

Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector

Response Hymn



Threefold Amen


  1. A warm welcome to everyone who joined us this morning. We are delighted to see you all.

  2. The Finance Department has emailed everyone the 2023-24 donation receipts for tax refunds yesterday. If required, physical receipts will be provided. Please approach Tony Yeung after worship to request it. For any inquiries, please email accounts@holywordchurch.org.nz

  3. Children Sunday School: In order to better cater to our children's learning and comprehension levels; starting in April we are changing our class arrangements as follows:
    Junior Class: 3-4 years old (room 1)
    Middle Class: 5-8 years old (room 2)
    Senior Class: 9-11 years old (room 3) 

  4. Overseas Missions and Hardship Fund - March 2024
    Last Month's Balance $5,819.26 (Overseas Mission) $2,036.87 (Hardship)
    Donations Received $520.00 (Overseas Mission) $0.00 (Hardship)
    Interest Income $10.49 (Overseas Mission) $3.55 (Hardship)
    Bank Balance 31/03/2024 $6,349.75 (Overseas Mission ) $2,040.42 (Hardship)

Mission News 

  1. Pray for S & C as they serve in the field and navigate feelings of loneliness. Ask for the comforting warmth of the Lord's love to strengthen and uplift them.

  2. Give thanks for the completion of the first semester of the Chinese-English learning class, which was co-organized by H & P and the church this year. Let's pray for the upcoming commencement of classes in May. We're also grateful for the successful youth camp in March, which had over 50 participants. As we remember this event, let's pray for these young people, asking the Lord to nurture the growth of the gospel in their hearts.

  3. Give thanks for the fruitful completion of the short-term mission trip with Pastor Janet Tam and the North Point Alliance Church last week. Let's pray for Pastor Tam as she prepares for her upcoming trip to Hong Kong, asking the Lord to continue using her in His service.

  4. Give thanks for the approval of a one-year visa for H & Y, acknowledging their dedicated service among the Muslim community. As their son in China submits his master's thesis, let's pray for divine guidance and assistance. Additionally, let's lift him up as he considers whether to pursue employment or further studies, trusting the Lord to lead him in the right direction.

  5. Pastor James and Jessica Che safely returned from the United States last month. Let's pray for their health and well-being as they settle back in New Zealand, asking the Lord to grant them rest and rejuvenation so they can continue their work in His service.

Prayer Items for the Week

  1. May God give Nic the wisdom, strength, and courage to effectively minister to students, guiding them in their journey of faith and empowering them to live lives that honour God. Pray for his sharing of his vision to the Cantonese and Mandarin Congregation in the coming weeks.

  2. Pray that God will equip Sunny with the necessary resources, both spiritually and practically, to carry out his mission trip with excellence and effectiveness. May God surround them with peace and assurance, knowing that God is with him every step of the way.

  3. Remember Kinson, Layee, and baby Hailey, and Vincent, Lina, and baby Bethany in our prayers. Pray that God will surround them with protection and grace as they embark on this journey of parenthood. May God grant them wisdom, patience, and strength as they nurture and raise their child in God's ways. 

Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (7/04/2024)

English Cantonese Mandarin
Sunday Service 68 141 50
Prayer Meeting 30 8 10
Children Sunday School 25 - 16

Next Week's Roster (21 April 2024)

Chairperson: Marco Yu

Speaker: Herman Yeung

Singspiration: Rebecca Mak

Committee on Duty: Emily