Chairperson: Nixon Fong

Speaker: Rev. ET Wong

Singspiration: Timothy Yeung

Committee on Duty: Sally Che

Ascribe to the Lord, all you families of nations,
    ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.
 Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name;
    bring an offering and come into his courts.
(Psalm 96:7-8)

Opening Prayer


The Lord's Prayer

Scripture Reading
Acts 9:1-22

Transformation Possible - From the Worst of Sinners to a Righteous Man

Response Hymn

Holy Communion



Threefold Amen


  1. A warm welcome to everyone who joined us this morning. We are delighted to see you all.

  2. The Rock House 2024 calendar has arrived. Please collect it for free at the entrance when you leave.The Church's 30th Anniversary Magazine:

    a) Our next wave is the cover design for the magazine. The organizing committee requests that the layout be in A3 format (the finished product will be folded to serve as both the cover and back page of the special edition). Additionally, for this special edition, there is a designated "color theme," and color samples are posted on the church's dining hall bulletin board for reference. We welcome brothers and sisters to unleash their design creativity and incorporate the idea of "Love & Legacy" into the design, making it a collective memory for everyone.

    b) Meanwhile, considering the participation of children, the Children Sunday School will be co-hosting a drawing activity titled "What is my church?” This activity encourages children to express through imagery what church means to them or what significance it holds in their hearts. We highly encourage parents to participate in this parent-child activity, guiding their children in understanding the concept of church. If the artwork aligns with the theme, it may be considered for use as the cover. 

    c) The submission deadline for both design activities is November 5th, and digital/hard copy works can be submitted to the 30th-anniversary celebration event committee (Nancy Choy, Phoebe Lam, Sean Wang, Sarah Li, Sharon Chan and Sally Che). Click here for the Design Summary document.

  3. The Rock House 2024 calendar has arrived. Please collect it for free at the entrance when you leave.

  4. TNT: There will be TNT at 11am today. We will be going through a book written by Mark Dever and Jamie Dunlop about how we can become a compelling community that we all desire. Here is a link to the notes: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_6QEvUK48EUCvl8u4DP4On54GOHnvjai?usp=sharing

  5. Christmas Donations: The Cantonese service is organising food donations through the Salvation Army to the families in need, to share Jesus’ love for them. Canned food, non-refridgerated packaged food, biscuits and so forth will be collected from today up to 26 November in the church kitchen (a designated box labelled for the food donations). Please note that the food donations should have an expiry date of 28 February 2024 or after.

  6. Community Service: The church has organised for an electronic waste recycling company to collect computer parts in any conditions, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm on Saturday 11 November in the church car park. No fee will be charged if members present their membership when dropping off the electronic waste.

Prayer Items for the Week

  1. Pray for everyone to strive to practise the theme of the year,: Love as He Loved • Love with His Love. 

  2. Please continue to pray for Lucia, Pastor Ivan's wife. Pray that the Lord watches over her recovery and all post-operative treatments. Also, pray for the Lord to safeguard Pastor Ivan's physical and mental well-being so that he can better care for his wife.

  3. Let us come together in prayer, seeking the grace of God to bring lasting peace to the Israel-Gaza conflict. May the Lord's hand guide and inspire all parties involved towards a peaceful and just resolution, where the rights and well-being of all people in the region are respected, and suffering comes to an end.

  4. Pray that you and other members of our church would more fully live out the idea that an essential aspect of following Jesus is helping others follow Jesus.

  5. Pray that God would give our congregation creativity and grace to overcome obstacles it might face to discipling and hospitality. 

Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (29 October 2023)

English Cantonese Mandarin
Sunday Service 46 149 50
Prayer Meeting - 6 16
Children Sunday School 18 - 22

Next Week's Roster (12 November 2023)

Chairperson: Vincent Chan

Speaker: Mr Herman Yeung

Singspiration: Rebecca Mak

Committee on Duty: Nixon Fong


Chairperson: Amy Tong

Speaker: Mr. Herman Yeung

Singspiration: Charlie Mak

Committee on Duty: Vincent Chan

Exalt the LORD our God
    and worship at his holy mountain,
    for the LORD our God is holy.
(Psalm 99:9)

Opening Prayer


The Lord's Prayer

Scripture Reading
John 6:1-14; Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:30-44; Luke 9:10-17

Hidden Figures: The Boy

Response Hymn

Closing Prayer



Threefold Amen


  1. A warm welcome to everyone who joined us this morning. We are delighted to see you all.

  2. HWC Financial Overview-Consolidated Income & Expense Report September 2023 (See table below)

    General & Thanksgiving 00: $33,372

    Building 01: $2,100

    Mission 02: $900

    Bank Balance as of September: $651,699

  3. The Church's 30th Anniversary Magazine:

    a) Our next wave is the cover design for the magazine. The organizing committee requests that the layout be in A3 format (the finished product will be folded to serve as both the cover and back page of the special edition). Additionally, for this special edition, there is a designated "color theme," and color samples are posted on the church's dining hall bulletin board for reference. We welcome brothers and sisters to unleash their design creativity and incorporate the idea of "Love & Legacy" into the design, making it a collective memory for everyone.

    b) Meanwhile, considering the participation of children, the Children Sunday School will be co-hosting a drawing activity titled "What is my church?” This activity encourages children to express through imagery what church means to them or what significance it holds in their hearts. We highly encourage parents to participate in this parent-child activity, guiding their children in understanding the concept of church. If the artwork aligns with the theme, it may be considered for use as the cover. 

    c) The submission deadline for both design activities is November 5th, and digital/hard copy works can be submitted to the 30th-anniversary celebration event committee (Nancy Choy, Phoebe Lam, Sean Wang, Sarah Li, Sharon Chan and Sally Che). Click here for the Design Summary document.

  4. The Finance Department plans to send out an email in mid-November to distribute the total amount of contributions for the first half of the fiscal year 2023-2024 to all members. This will facilitate everyone in verifying whether the amounts are correct. If any members have recently updated their email addresses or have new registered email addresses, please notify the church by email. For members without email addresses, please contact Tony Yeung.

  5. Our church administrator Stanley Yu will be on leave from 1/11 to 28/11. During this period, Sister Elain Law will temporarily assume the role of administrator.

  6. Pastor ET will be delivering the sermon during the Cantonese Service this morning, and as a result, there won't be a TNT session this morning.

Sep 2023 Actual Sep 2023 YTD Actual Sep 2023 YTD Budget FY2023 Budget
Total Income $38,175 $239,358 $241,469 $482,939
Total Expenses $43,341 $274,075 $313,890 $627,781
Profits / (Losses) ($5,166) ($34,717) ($72,421) ($144,842)

Prayer Items for the Week

  1. Pray for everyone to strive to practice the theme of the year,: Love as He Loved • Love with His Love. 

  2. Please continue to pray for Lucia, the Pastor Ivan's wife. Pray that the Lord watches over her recovery and all post-operative treatments. Also, pray for the Lord to safeguard Pastor Ivan's physical and mental well-being so that he can better care for his wife.

  3. Let us come together in prayer, seeking the grace of God to bring lasting peace to the Israel-Gaza conflict. May the Lord's hand guide and inspire all parties involved towards a peaceful and just resolution, where the rights and well-being of all people in the region are respected, and suffering comes to an end.

Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (22 October 2023)

English Cantonese Mandarin
Sunday Service 49 132 53
Prayer Meeting 26 8+84 14
Children Sunday School 18 - 20

Next Week's Roster (5 November 2023)

Chairperson: Nixon Fong

Speaker: Rev. ET Wong

Singspiration: Timothy Yeung

Committee on Duty: Sally Che