Chairperson: Vincent Chan

Speaker: Rev. ET Wong

Singspiration: Worship Team

Committee on Duty: Sally Mok

Praise the LORD.
I will extol the LORD with all my heart
in the council of the upright and in the assembly.
Great are the works of the LORD;
they are pondered by all who delight in them.
Glorious and majestic are his deeds,
and his righteousness endures forever.
(Psalm 111:1-3)

Opening Prayer


The Lord's Prayer

Scripture Reading
Mark 5:1-20

From Torment to Redemption

Response Hymn

Closing Prayer



Threefold Amen


  1. A warm welcome to everyone who joined us this morning. We are delighted to see you all.

  2. Mission Month Offering Pledge (M4) - The Mission Department has received pledges for a total of $30,800.00, while the Smile Lanka fundraiser raised a total of $10,535.00 this time. Thanks be to God! He constantly looks after the needs of His servants and children. 

  3. The Church's 30th Anniversary Magazine:

    a) Our next wave is the cover design for the magazine. The organizing committee requests that the layout be in A3 format (the finished product will be folded to serve as both the cover and back page of the special edition). Additionally, for this special edition, there is a designated "color theme," and color samples are posted on the church's dining hall bulletin board for reference. We welcome brothers and sisters to unleash their design creativity and incorporate the idea of "Love & Legacy" into the design, making it a collective memory for everyone.

    b) Meanwhile, considering the participation of children, the Children Sunday School will be co-hosting a drawing activity titled "What is my church?” This activity encourages children to express through imagery what church means to them or what significance it holds in their hearts. We highly encourage parents to participate in this parent-child activity, guiding their children in understanding the concept of church. If the artwork aligns with the theme, it may be considered for use as the cover. 

    c) The submission deadline for both design activities is November 5th, and digital/hard copy works can be submitted to the 30th-anniversary celebration event committee (Nancy Choy, Phoebe Lam, Sean Wang, Sarah Li, Sharon Chan and Sally Che). Click here for the Design Summary document.

  4. Mission Department News: The deacon board extends its gratitude to Tony Yeung for his service in the Mission Department over the past five years. He has served as the department head and officially stepped down from this position last Sunday (1/10). However, he will remain a member of the Mission Department and continue to serve in the ministry.

  5. Congregation News: Connie Wong's granddaughter, Yen Yen, has undergone over three months of treatment. Thanks to God's grace, 75% of the brain cancer cells have been eliminated. After consultation with doctors and family members, another surgery for Yen Yen is scheduled for October 10th to remove the remaining cancer cells. Please pray for Yen Yen, asking the Lord for peace, a successful surgery, effective medical care, minimal post-surgical complications, and a speedy recovery for the young girl.

  6. TNT: There will be TNT at 11am today. We will be going through a book written by Mark Dever and Jamie Dunlop about how we can become a compelling community that we all desire. Here is a link to the notes: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_6QEvUK48EUCvl8u4DP4On54GOHnvjai?usp=sharing

Mission News

  1. Let's pray for S & C, asking that they may train their colleagues within the organization with the heart of Christ, enabling them to work together in unity and serve parents and students with love.

  2. We remember H & P's service, and in particular, let's pray for H's visa application to go smoothly. May the Lord protect the entire application process.

  3. Let's pray for Pastor Janet Tam's service at First Chinese Baptist Church and remember the two new believers who were baptized last week. Pray that they may have a willing heart to pursue their faith journey.

  4. We remember H & Y's language learning efforts, and let's also pray for the people they come into contact with. May the Lord open their eyes and hearts.

  5. James Che and his wife will return to Africa this Wednesday. Let's pray that the journey goes smoothly in every aspect.

Prayer Items for the Week

  1. Pray that we would grow in the skill of building friendships with those you share little in common with other than Christ.

  2. Pray that non-Christians would be able to see the work the gospel has done in our church as it unites those who, apart from Christ, are very different.

  3. Pray that the leaders of our church would wisely encourage ministry by similarity when it is useful, and have the discernment to know when such ministry is counterproductive.

Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (1 October 2023)

Sunday Service 249
Prayer Meeting 12
Children Sunday School 36

Next Week's Roster (15 October 2023)

Chairperson: Amy Tong

Speaker: Jonathan Chow

Singspiration: Worship Team

Committee on Duty: Herman Yeung


Chairperson: Cassandra Chan

Speaker: Rev. Mureen Wong

Worship leader: Ruth Leung

Pianist: Mance Chan

Scripture reading: Cassandra Chan

Committee on Duty: Desmond Lee

Interpreters: Pr Ernest Kwok, Fung Lam

Baptism: Phoebe Guo, Tiffany Li, Lisa Lai, Sik Hong Ho, Lucia Li and Fong Che Kuk

Membership: Ming Tak Ngan, Khao Wai Lan, Wei Ning Ng William and Wai Ling Law

Children Dedication: Daisy Chen (Parents: Hao Chen and Leah Li), Ophelia Lin (Parents: Fan Lin and Shan Shan Chen) and Hannah Elaine Ngan (Parents: Ming Take Ngan and Wai Ling Law)

Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth,
    burst into jubilant song with music;
 make music to the LORD with the harp,
    with the harp and the sound of singing,
 with trumpets and the blast of the ram’s horn—
    shout for joy before the LORD, the King.
(Psalm 98:4-6)

Opening Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer


Scripture Reading
John 2:1-12

When the wine was gone

(Join the Telegram HWC translation channel for English translation: Here)


Lisa Lai, Fong Che Kuk


Church Membership Transfer

Children Dedication


Holy Communion



Threefold Amen

Gift and Announcement



  1. A warm welcome to everyone who joined us this morning. We are delighted to see you all.

  2. Floral Offering: Cindy Chiu. Next week: Selina Mak

  3. The Church's 30th Anniversary Magazine, "Love & Legacy," will have its submission deadline on September 30, 2023. We encourage brothers and sisters to continue their efforts and submit their contributions enthusiastically. Please use your words to share the days of gratitude when God has been with us. You can send your submissions to the church email address: hwc@holywordchurch.org.nz.

  4. Supporting China Graduate School of Theology (CGST): CGST is in need of raising 11 million Hong Kong dollars to cover its ministry expenses. Over the years, through the "Way of Life" courses organised by CGST, we have gained a deeper understanding of the teachings of the Bible, which has helped in the growth of our spiritual lives. The Cantonese congregation will set up an offering box to collect donations in support of CGST's educational ministry next Sunday (08/10). Please prepare your monetary contributions. A willing and joyful offering will be pleasing to God.

  5. The 2023 Advent programme organised by the Alliance Bible Seminary is now open for registration. This year's theme is 'The History of Salvation,' featuring personal reflections, group Bible studies, and live classes. Due to copyright issues, the church will not record and replay the classes. We encourage Cantonese-speaking brothers and sisters to participate and form your own groups for Bible studies. For more details and registration, please click on the following link: https://bit.ly/46DCv6v

Prayer Items for the Week

  1. The Mid-Autumn Festival Fun Fun Day on 30/9 has been successfully completed, and we are grateful that around 200 people participated in this event. Thanks to the service of all brothers and sisters, may the Lord bless each guest and provide them with the opportunity to know Jesus.

  2. Let us pray for the six new believers who have received baptism today, the four brothers and sisters who have joined our church, and the three families participating in the children's dedication ceremony. May they all grow in God's house, in good health, bringing glory to God and benefiting others.

  3. Please continue to pray for the gospel needs on the North Shore, as the Cantonese-speaking population is increasing, and the fields are vast. Let us pray together, seeking God's guidance to help us see what is required!

  4. Please keep praying for Pastor Ivan's wife Lucia, asking the Lord to oversee her recovery and all the post-operative treatments. Also, pray for the well-being of Pastor Ivan, that he may be in good health, both physically and spiritually, to better care for Lucia.

Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (24/09/2023)

English Cantonese Mandarin
Sunday Service 49 125 58
Prayer Meeting 16 9; 18 6
Children Sunday School 15 - 21

Next Week's Roster (8 October 2023)

Chairperson: Vincent Chan

Speaker: Rev. ET Wong

Singspiration: Worship Team

Committee on Duty: Sally Mok