Chairperson: Nixon Fong

Speaker: Rev. ET Wong

Singspiration: Charlie Mak

Committee on Duty: Sally Mok

 For giving thanks.
Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth.
  Worship the LORD with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
(Psalm 100:1-2)

Opening Prayer


Ten Commandments

Scripture Reading
Romans 1:14-17

Let’s talk about the good news

Response Hymn

Closing Prayer



Threefold Amen


  1. A warm welcome to everyone who joined us this morning. We are delighted to see you all.

  2. AGM meeting was held last Saturday, all agendas are passed. New deacons will be onboard 1st September who are Cassandra Lee, Sally Che, Tony Yeung, Anshun Wong, Emily Tsang and Daisy Poon. Thank you for your prayers that the meeting ran successfully. Please pray for new deacons that may the Lord give them wisdom and strength as well as wait for the guidance of the Lord patiently.

  3. 54th Baptism will be held on 1st October as a combined service for all three congregations. For those who want to be baptised, please contact any Deacon, Pastor or your Small Group Leader. The deadline is 27th August. All applicants are required to have their nurturing course completed. Once an application is received, baptism class will be arranged and the deacons will meet with you to confirm your faith. Please also contact us if you would like to have your church membership transferred to HWC or would like to have child dedication.

  4. 30th anniversary of HWC in May 2024: One of the celebration items is the Anniversary Magazine with the theme "Love & Legacy." The church encourages all brothers and sisters to participate and express gratitude through written words. Share their experiences of God's presence, the love from God, and between brothers and sisters. The editing team welcomes submissions in different format (poems/lyrics/hymns). The word limit for essay is 1,000 words, with content that aligns with the theme. Please send the article in English and Chinese to the church's email address: hwc@holywordchurch.org.nz. The deadline for submissions is September 30, 2023.
    The organizing committee members are: Nancy Choy, Phoebe Lam, Sean Wang, Sarah Li , Sharon Chan and Sally Che. Details about other activities will be announced later.

  5. Community Outreach Ministry: A free safety seminar will be held this Saturday, 5th August between 10am - 12pm. Topic: How to protect from being scammed; different types of scams; can lost money be recovered? etc. The speaker is the Asian Liaison Officer of Counties Manukau, Mr. Justin Zeng. It will conduct in Cantonese and is suitable for all ages. Refreshments will follow. May all brothers and sisters bring along families and friends, colleagues, and neighbors to join. All details are on the poster. Please contact Desmond Lee for any inquiries.

  6. Congregation News:
    a) Praise the Lord! Peony Powell gave birth on Tuesday successfully. Mother and son are well and the weight of the son, Jeremiah is 4.6kgs. May the Lord protect the baby and grow healthy. May Peony recover speedily.

    b) Brother 張謙 from the North Shore had been in the hospital due to unstable blood pressure, and has now been transferred to a nursing home that provides a 24-hours nursing service. May the Lord heal and stabilise blood pressure, and give strength to Cindy to look after him.

Mission News

  1. Please pray for the preparations and speakers for the Mission Month, and pray for the hearts of the brothers and sisters to be prepared to receive God's Word.

  2. S&C’s will visit the Church this week and our pastors will have lunch with them. They will be back to the mission field this weekend. Please pray for their daughter Eva to adapt the new life in NZ successfully.

  3. May the Lord give strength to Rev Janet Tam to be a good supervisor of intern theological students!

  4. H&Y recently reached out to the local fire brigade. May the Lord give them opportunities to talk on beliefs and build a trust relationship with the fire brigade.

  5. Please pray for James Che and his wife, may the Lord to protect their checkup and health!

August Missionary Month:

  1. Theme: 1 + 1 + 1 > 3

    Each Congregation has its unique mission, and the combined power of unity of three congregations are greater than three.

  2. Theme scriptures: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (Act 1:8); “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” (Ecclesiastes 4:12)

  3. Theme Hymn: Here I am Lord (Chris Bray)(YouTube: https://youtu.be/4t6mz8yoocY)

  4. Objective: Through the sharing of pastors from the three Congregations regarding the unique opportunites for evangelism and missions, we hope to unite the strength of the three Congregations (Ecclesiastes 4:12), go the extra mile and serve in mission together as one body, with a global perspective and a hgeart for the Lord.

Prayer Items for the Week

  1. Pray for the new deacons, that the Lord would give them a heart of servant and spiritual wisdom to serve brothers and sisters and lead them to build up the church.

  2. Pray for the gospel needs of the North Shore as more Cantonese-speaking people move there. The mission fields are vast, let's seek God's guidance together and help us see what is needed.

  3. Pray for everyone to strive to practice the theme of the year,: Love as He Loved • Love with His Love.

Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (23 July 2023)

English Cantonese Mandarin
Sunday Service 59 143 38
Prayer Meeting - 11 (pre) / 92 (post) 17
Children Sunday School 18 -- 16

Next Week's Roster (06 August 2023)

Chairperson: Amy Tong

Speaker: Rev. ET Wong

Singspiration: Shirley Ho

Committee on Duty: Nixon Fong


Chairperson: Fung Lam

Speaker: Herman Yeung

Singspiration: Shirley Ho

Committee on Duty: Vincent Fung

 Clap your hands, all you nations;
    shout to God with cries of joy.

For the LORD Most High is awesome,
    the great King over all the earth.
(Psalm 47:1-2)

Opening Prayer


Ten Commandments

Scripture Reading
1 John 3:11-18

Love or Hatred

Response Hymn

Closing Prayer



Threefold Amen


  1. A warm welcome to everyone who joined us this morning. We are delighted to see you all.

  2. 54th Baptism will be held on 1st October as a combined service for all three congregations. For those who want to be baptised, please contact any Deacon, Pastor or your Small Group Leader. The deadline is 27th August. All applicants are required to have their nurturing course completed. Once an application is received, baptism class will be arranged and the deacons will meet with you to confirm your faith. Please also contact us if you would like to have your church membership transferred to HWC or would like to have child dedication.

  3. 30th anniversary of HWC in May 2024: One of the celebration items is the Anniversary Magazine with the theme "Love & Legacy." The church encourages all brothers and sisters to participate and express gratitude through written words. Share their experiences of God's presence, the love from God, and between brothers and sisters. The editing team welcomes submissions in different format (poems/lyrics/hymns). The word limit for essay is 1,000 words, with content that aligns with the theme. Please send the article in English and Chinese to the church's email address: hwc@holywordchurch.org.nz. The deadline for submissions is September 30, 2023.
    The organizing committee members are: Nancy Choy, Phoebe Lam, Sean Wang, Sarah Li , Sharon Chan and Sally Che. Details about other activities will be announced later.

  4. A Chinese Learning Hub (Cantonese) will be run on Saturday morning 10:30-11:30am from 27 July to 16 September for the children of our church members. There are 10 spaces available and the children need to be 5 years old or older, and have no or only little knowledge of Chinese. The fee is $40, and interested parents may register their children at the usher’s desk. For information, please reach out to KC Li, Mrs. Ha or Elain Law.

Mission News

  1. Please pray for the preparations and speakers for the Mission Month, and pray for the hearts of the brothers and sisters to be prepared to receive God's Word.

  2. S&C’s elder daughter Eva is starting Intermediate school in NZ. Their younger son Elias will be without his sister as the family returns to the mission field in August. Please pray for both Eva and Elias to adapt to the new circumstances smoothly.

  3. H&Y are planning for the Mission Day at the local church and H will preach on the topic of the Great Commission. May the Lord strengthen them and use them.

  4. Rev Janet Tam has recently started to have pain in her left knee as she climbs the stairs. May the Lord’s healing come upon her.

August Missionary Month:

  1. Theme: 1 + 1 + 1 > 3

    Each Congregation has its unique mission, and the combined power of unity of three congregations are greater than three.

  2. Theme scriptures: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (Act 1:8); “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” (Ecclesiastes 4:12)

  3. Theme Hymn: Here I am Lord (Chris Bray)(YouTube: https://youtu.be/4t6mz8yoocY)

  4. Objective: Through the sharing of pastors from the three Congregations regarding the unique opportunites for evangelism and missions, we hope to unite the strength of the three Congregations (Ecclesiastes 4:12), go the extra mile and serve in mission together as one body, with a global perspective and a hgeart for the Lord.

Prayer Items for the Week

  1. Pray for the new deacons, that the Lord would give them a heart of servant and spiritual wisdom to serve brothers and sisters and lead them to build up the church.

  2. Pray for the gospel needs of the North Shore as more Cantonese-speaking people move there. The mission fields are vast, let's seek God's guidance together and help us see what is needed.

  3. Pray for everyone to strive to practice the theme of the year,: Love as He Loved • Love with His Love.

Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (16 July 2023)

English Cantonese Mandarin
Sunday Service 56 122 41
Prayer Meeting 41 9 20
Children Sunday School 19 -- 19

Next Week's Roster (30 July 2023)

Chairperson: Nixon Fong

Speaker: Rev. ET Wong

Singspiration: Charlie Mak

Committee on Duty: Sally Mok