Chairperson: Jason Chow
Speaker: Pastor William HC
Singspiration: Charlie Mak
Committee on Duty: Lisa Fung
Shout for joy to God, all the earth!
Sing the glory of his name;
make his praise glorious.
(Psalm 66:1-2)
Opening Prayer
The Apostles Creed
Scripture Reading
Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
A Time For Everything
Response Hymn
Closing Prayer
Threefold Amen
A warm welcome to everyone who joined us this morning. We are delighted to see you all.
53rd Baptism will be held on 9th April as a combined service for all three congregations. For those who want to be baptised, please contact any Deacon, Pastor or your Small Group Leader. The deadline is 5th March. All applicants are required to have their nurturing course completed. Once an application is received, baptism class will be arranged and the deacons will meet with you to confirm your faith. Please also contact us if you would like to have your church membership transferred to HWC or would like to have child dedication.
Finance Department: in the meeting on 13th January, the Deacon Board approved to appoint Katie Li as the head of Finance Department, effective immediately.
Community Safety Seminar “Is it my business?” will be held on Saturday 4th February 10am-12pm. The topics are: 1.) What to do if you are in a car crash; 2.) How scams and frauds concern us. The speaker is Jessica Phuang, NZ Police ethnic liaison officer of Tāmaki Makaurau. The seminar will be conducted in Cantonese, followed by refreshment. Feel free to invite your family and friends. For more information, please find the promotional poster or ask Fanny Yeung.
Rev. Mureen Wong’s inauguration ceremony will be held during Cantonese service at around 11:45am.
Mission News
Praise the Lord! 5 people have joined the Sri Lanka mission team. May the Lord bless their preparation and training.
Pray for the missionaries: S&C had more time teaching their two children English during the pandemic in the last 3 months; H&P set up a “Mission Hut” to train the local Christians to spread the Gospel to the Mu’min. ; Pray for Pastor Janet Tam’s ministry in Southern Sri Lanka, may the Lord strengthen their faith and persistence; H&Y have returned to Australia from visiting families in China. They are preparing to return to the Muslim mission field in February. May the Lord keep them in their journey; Pastor James is serving at a church in Fiji. They plan to return to NZ in February. Pray for their health and safety.
Prayer Items for the Week
A new year, a new beginning. Please review on yourself over the past year, and plan to be a person who please God in your life, work and missionary in the coming year. Please also pray for the Church’s ministry plan in the coming year.
Pray for the Gospel needs in North Shore. With the recent increasing population of Cantonese-speaking residents in North Shore, may we seek God’s guidance and vision for this vast Gospel field.
Pray for Rev Mureen Wong, our new Cantonese pastor. May God use her and empower her to become a blessing for all brothers and sisters.
The Church Theme for the next two years is: Love as He Loved • Love with His Love. May we focus and act on this theme in our daily lives to love one another.
Pray for pastoral recruitment for the Senior Pastor and English Service Pastor.
Psalm reading plan has finished. May God give us the determination to continue the reading and let us learn about Him more deeply so we will worship and praise Him more.
Pray for the brothers and sisters who are leaving Auckland for holidays or visiting their families. May the Lord keep them in peace and stay connected to God.
Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (15 January 2023)
English | Cantonese | Mandarin | |
Sunday Service | 50 | 123 | 54 |
Prayer Meeting | - | 9 | 5 |
Children Sunday School | 6 | - | 21 |
Next Week's Roster (29 January 2023)
Chairperson: Nixon Fong
Speaker: Herman Yeung
Singspiration: Shirley Ho
Committee on Duty: Sally Che
Chairperson: Fung Lam
Speaker: Rev. ET Wong
Singspiration: Kinson Lau
Committee on Duty: Franklin Fung
Praise the Lord.
Sing to the Lord a new song,
his praise in the assembly of his faithful people.
Let Israel rejoice in their Maker;
let the people of Zion be glad in their King.
(Psalm 149:1-2)
Opening Prayer
The Apostles Creed
Scripture Reading
Mark 3:16-17
Sons of Thunder
Response Hymn
Closing Prayer
Threefold Amen
A warm welcome to everyone who joined us this morning. We are delighted to see you all.
52nd Baptism will be held on 9th April as a combined service for all three congregations. For those who want to be baptised, please contact any Deacon, Pastor or your Small Group Leader. The deadline is 5th March. All applicants are required to have their nurturing course completed. Once an application is received, baptism class will be arranged and the deacons will meet with you to confirm your faith. Please also contact us if you would like to have your church membership transferred to HWC or would like to have child dedication.
Mission Department’s Sri Lanka short-term mission will take place on 6-15 April 2023. If you are compelled to be part of the mission team, you may find the application form at the front desk and submit it to Franklin Fung. Should you have any inquiries, feel free to contact Franklin. Deadline for application is 15 January 2023.
Rev. Mureen Wong starts her new role as the Cantonese pastor on 16th January 2023.
Rev. Mureen Wong’s inauguration ceremony will be held next Sunday 22nd Jan during Cantonese service at around 11:45am
2023 Floral offering can be registered at the front desk now. Floral offering is a form of dedication to God, therefore only Christians are allowed to offer flowers for Sunday services.
Cantonese Service CNY Outing: Date: 21st January 2023 (Sat). Time: 10am to 2pm. Place: Farm Cove Reserve. Gathering time and place: 10am at Pakuranga Saling Club via Bramley Drive. Feel free to arrange carpool from church. There will be games and shared lunch. Please bring your own lunch, water, sunblock and hats. Feel free to invite your family and friends to come along. Please register your interest at the usher desk before 15th January 2023. Please contact Desmond or Kitty if you have any questions.
Pastor Ivan Hui is on leave for 3 days from 17 January to 19 January.
Holy Word Church Consolidated Financial Report for November 2022
Oct Actual | YTD Actual | YTD Budget | Annual Budget | |
Income | 34,334 | 273,584 | 347,622 | 521,433 |
Expenses | 35,678 | 256,274 | 325,283 | 562,924 |
Net Surplus/(Deficit) | (1,344) | 17,310 | (27,661) | (41,491) |
Overseas Mission Fund & Hardship Financial Report for December 2022
Overseas Mission | Hardship | |
Opening balance | 26,563.22 | 9,991.15 |
Donations received | 7,748.50 | 200.00 |
Interest received | 23.41 | 11.60 |
Closing balance 30/11/2022 | 13,325.13 | 10,202.75 |
Mission News
Pray for the preparation of the Sri Lanka Short term mission trip
Pray for the missionaries: the area served by S&C has been impacted by the pandemic, please pray for God’s help to strengthen their faith; Pray for H&P as they learn a new language, that they may have the wisdom, patience and opportunities to put what learnt into practice; Pray for Pastor Janet Tam’s ministry in Sri Lanka, and the church planting in Galle in Southern Sri Lanka; Pastor James is serving at a church in Fiji. They plan to return to NZ in February. Pray for their health and safety.
Prayer Items for the Week
A new year, a new beginning. Please review on yourself over the past year, and plan to be a person who please God in your life, work and missionary in the coming year. Please also pray for the Church’s ministry plan in the coming year.
Pray for the Gospel needs in North Shore. With the recent increasing population of Cantonese-speaking residents in North Shore, may we seek God’s guidance and vision for this vast Gospel field.
Pray for Rev Mureen Wong, our new Cantonese pastor. May God use her and empower her to become a blessing for all brothers and sisters.
The Church Theme for the next two years is: Love as He Loved • Love with His Love. May we focus and act on this theme in our daily lives to love one another.
Pray for pastoral recruitment for the Senior Pastor and English Service Pastor.
Psalm reading plan has finished. May God give us the determination to continue the reading and let us learn about Him more deeply so we will worship and praise Him more.
Pray for the brothers and sisters who are leaving Auckland for holidays or visiting their families. May the Lord keep them in peace and stay connected to God.
Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (08 January 2023)
English | Cantonese | Mandarin | |
Sunday Service | 56 | 98 | 56 |
Prayer Meeting | - | 9 | 14 |
Children Sunday School | 9 | - | 21 |
Next Week's Roster (22 January 2023)
Chairperson: Jason Chow
Speaker: William HC
Singspiration: Charlie
Committee on Duty: Lisa Fung