Chairperson: Nixon Fong

Speaker: Karl Udy

Singspiration: Herman Yeung

The LORD is in his holy temple;
let all the earth be silent before him.
(Habakkuk 2:20)

Opening Prayer


The Ten Commandments

Scripture Reading

Act 11:19-26


The First Missionary church

Response Hymn

Closing Prayer



Threefold Amen


  1. A warm welcome to everyone who's joined us this morning. We are delighted to see you all.

  2. Prayer meeting is held in the upstairs hall after Sunday service. Please join our prayer meeting to share and pray together.

  3. Annual General Meeting 2022 will be held next Saturday 30/07/2022, 1:30PM at church. Documents have been distributed through email. Please pray that the meeting will run smoothly.

    1. In the next two weeks, church members may inquire with Stanley Yu regarding their church attendance in the past 52 weeks.

    2. English translation will be done via Telegram. Please download the app if not yet done and bring your own headphones to be used with the app.

  4. 51st Baptism will be held on 2nd October as a combined service for all three congregations. For those who wants to be baptised, please contact any Deacon, Pastor or your Small Group Leader. Deadline is 4th September. All applicants are required to have their nurturing course completed. Once an application is received, baptism class will be arranged and the deacons will meet with you to confirm your faith. Please also contact us if you would like to have your church membership transferred to HWC or would like to have child dedication.

  5. Psalm Reading: Join us in the psalm reading project, started 1st June. We will be reading and meditating on one psalm a day, for 150 days. This will complement our study of Psalms this year. The new reading calendar for July can be downloaded here: http://tinyurl.com/HWCPJ

  6. Rev. ET Wong is on leave between Monday 11th July - Sunday 24th July.

  7. Usage of church venue under COVID-19 Traffic Light System:

Traffic Light Orange
Sunday Service and Small Group Gatherings
Physical gathering
and online
Capacity Limits Main hall + Side hall: 300 people
New hall: 100 people
Upstairs hall: 100 people
Sanitise Hands Required
Masks Encouraged
Use of Equipment Sanitise after use

Mission News

  1. Pray for S&C that they can continue to serve the student, the parents and other brothers and sisters during the summer holidays.

  2. Praise the Lord that H&P have found suitable accommodation. Pray that they can learn the local languages.

  3. Give thanks that Rev. Janet Tam’s daughter has recently given birth, mother and child are well. Also pray for another missionary, Pastor Wong, planning to enter the mission field in Sri Lanka.

  4. Pray for Pr. James Che that he will visit Fiji this week with other pastors to consider the possibilities of church planting there. Gospel Operation International (GOI) is now responsible for the church planting work in Africa.

Prayer Items for the Week

  1. The Church Theme for the next two years is: Love as He Loved • Love with His Love

  2. Pray for the upcoming AGM and that it will go smoothly.

  3. A new pastor has been hired for the Cantonese service and her work visa application has been submitted. Pray that everything will proceed smoothly so she can join us soon.

  4. Pray for pastoral recruitment for the Senior Pastor and English Service Pastor.

  5. Pray for the Psalm reading plan. May God give us the determination to follow the plan and let us learn about Him more deeply so we will worship and praise Him more.

Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (17 July 2022)

English Cantonese Mandarin
Service 32 + 14 online 72 + 79 online 39 + 10 online
Prayer Meeting before / after service 19 8 1 online
Children Sunday School 12 - 15

Next Week's Roster (31 July 2022)

Chairperson: Amy Tong

Speaker: Rev E Ting Wong

Singspiration: Shirley Ho


Chairperson: Jason Chow

Speaker: Herman Yeung

Singspiration: Kenny Pau

Exalt the LORD our God and worship at his holy mountain,
for the LORD our God is holy.
(Psalm 99:9)

Opening Prayer


The Ten Commandments

Scripture Reading

1 Peter 2:11-25


How we should live within the society?

Response Hymn

Closing Prayer


The Lord’s Prayer

Threefold Amen


  1. A warm welcome to everyone who's joined us this morning. We are delighted to see you all.

  2. Prayer meeting is held in the upstairs hall after Sunday service. Please join our prayer meeting to share and pray together.

  3. Annual General Meeting 2022 will be held on the 30/07/2022 (Saturday) 1:30PM at church. Documents have been distributed through email yesterday. Please pray that the meeting will run smoothly.

    1. In the next two weeks, church members may inquire with Stanley Yu regarding their church attendance in the past 52 weeks.

    2. For any questions regarding the meeting agenda or financial reports, please email hwc@holywordchurch.org.nz by next Saturday 23/07/2022.

    3. English translation will be done via Telegram. Please download the app if not yet done and bring your own headphones to be used with the app.

  4. Overseas Mission and Hardship Fund for the June period
    Overseas Mission Hardship
    Opening balance $6,115.27 $13,513.21
    Offering 490.00 0.00
    Interest 0.65 1.38
    Balance as of 30/06/2022 $6,605.92 $13,514.59

  5. 51st Baptism will be held on 2nd October as a combined service for all three congregations. For those who wants to be baptised, please contact any Deacon, Pastor or your Small Group Leader. Deadline is 4th September. All applicants are required to have their nurturing course completed. Once an application is received, baptism class will be arranged and the deacons will meet with you to confirm your faith. Please also contact us if you would like to have your church membership transferred to HWC or would like to have child dedication.

  6. Psalm Reading: Join us in the psalm reading project, started 1st June. We will be reading and meditating on one psalm a day, for 150 days. This will complement our study of Psalms this year. The new reading calendar for July can be downloaded here: http://tinyurl.com/HWCPJ

  7. Rev. ET Wong is on leave between Monday 11th July - Sunday 24th July.

  8. Chinese Alliance Christan Church is hosting a talk on social media and how we can support young people to safely navigate online social media platforms. It is conducted in Cantonese, on Sat 30th July, at 2pm-4pm. Address: 60 Ben Lomond Crescent, Pakuranga. Enrolment Link: https://forms.gle/s1r3BFhjm4uZXcYF9

8. Usage of church venue under COVID-19 Traffic Light System:

Traffic Light Orange
Sunday Service and Small Group Gatherings
Physical gathering
and online
Capacity Limits Main hall + Side hall: 300 people
New hall: 100 people
Upstairs hall: 100 people
Sanitise Hands Required
Masks Encouraged
Use of Equipment Sanitise after use

Mission News

  1. Pray for S&C as they facing pressure from work and also pray for their children’s education and growth.

  2. Pray for H&P as they search for suitable accomodation after arrived at the new mission field.

  3. Pray for Rev. Janet Tam’s visa application in Sri Lanka which has been delayed by 2 months. Also pray for her daughter who is due to give birth in July.

  4. Praise the Lord. Pr. James Che and his wife have been offered to work with a local church. They will work together on church planting and missionary in Africa.

Prayer Items for the Week

  1. The Church Theme for the next two years is: Love as He Loved • Love with His Love

  2. A new pastor has been hired for the Cantonese service and her work visa application has been submitted. Pray that everything will proceed smoothly so she can join us soon.

  3. Pray for pastoral recruitment for the Senior Pastor and English Service Pastor.

  4. Pray for our “servicing requirement review group and deacon nomination process group”. Pray that this group can help deacon board in this area.

  5. Pray for the Psalm reading plan. May God give us the determination to follow the plan and let us learn about Him more deeply so we will worship and praise Him more.

  6. Pray for New Zealand’s pandemic situation. May God remember those affected by the pandemic.

Last Week's Sunday Service Attendance (10 July 2022)

English Cantonese Mandarin
Service 32 + 7 online 46 + 80 online 35 + 14 online
Prayer Meeting before service - 9 2
Prayer Meeting after service 16 36 + 24 online -
Children Sunday School 14 - 17

Next Week's Roster (24 July 2022)

Chairperson: Nixon Fong

Speaker: Karl Udy

Singspiration: Herman Yeung